Thursday, July 3, 2008

when i was young, i wanted to be a hairdresser

i should stop cutting my hair randomly whenever i'm feeling emo.

been feeling quite down these few days. been feeling damn dumb and empty.
suddenly, everyone around me seems to be so far away from me. there's no one for me to talk to, to confide in. everyone just seems to be putting on a mask, no longer the one i once knew them for. i just feel so invisible.
and the debacle seems to be over for him. he's back to normal as i flutter between the 2 extremes.
and the damn fucking thing is that the tears just don't fall. every damn tear is stuck inside, and its just so freaking stuffy inside.
i don't know what's becoming of me. i don't cry anymore. i keep to myself. i walk by myself. i cnt fall asleep before 12am. i no longer bother if im late for lessons. i only know that i bury myself in the fiction world. story books after story books.

i don't want saturday to come. there's airport trg. i'm beginning to regret joining this cca. its just not very organised, everything's so last minute, and i dunno. the expectations are just so high, demands of it is so high, it just makes me quite pissed and stressed at times. i should have stuck to string ensemble. darn.
but i'm looking forward to after trg. i'm gna to look for desmond at work ((: some light shopping then dinner at grandma's hse.

dinner at OKA with the usuals tml (:


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