Wednesday, July 9, 2008

chauo asshole


god. its only in the morning and i am so damn pissed alrd laa.. that asshole of that damn teacher(AC) is such a damn ass. the biggest asshole ever observed in my,say,10 years of education. GRRRRRR. i was just innocently using my lappie in his lesson, not even disturbing him, and he asked me to shut my comp. wtf!? i was not even disturbing his lesson!! and whether i wanted to pay attention is my own problem! NOT HIS!! damn. and when i slammed my laptop shut, i'm sorry, my poor laptop, he said : if you're not happy you can leave. i did not ask you to come. FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!! WTH!! its not the first time he's said that ok. like i ever said before, if i didn have anything at stake, i'd have walked out. and i really mean it. he thinks that by forcing us to off our laptops or such, we'll pay attention to his lesson. hell NO!! gosh. i seriously hate chem lessons, and the worst thing is that every lesson, we have to sit through 2 damn hours of his shit!! i SO cnt wait for this sem to end man!! then i WILL NOT HAVE TO SEE HIM AGAIN!!! oh yay. LOLS.

speaking of sems, its only about 5 weeks to SemesteralTests. gosh. there's like millions to study, and its not that i can afford last minute studies anymore. my brain is becoming more stupid as time passes, my interest and determination drops faster than the pull of gravity. and its not as if my MSTs were damn bloody fantastic. i think they were as good as shit.

lets see,

Maths: 40/50
Chem: 35.5/50
BMIC: 71/100
Cell Bio: 33.5/50

fucking shitty results. its not supposed to be my standard. damn. its waywayway below my standard man, such results. maths-damn careless,, bmic-that damn blankout+wrong strategy for t/f section, cellbio-happy enough,just hope CA1 doesn pull me down that much.
gosh. i really really need to buck up.. RAWRS!! less MSN, less online time, more mugging!!! guess with mummy blowing down my neck everyday to study hard, its time for me to show my BEST!!! lalala~

[update @ 8.29pm]
i'm stuck with 2 projects now, all due the week after next. damn. and both projects will have XDD in my grp. how coincidental. LOLS. i hate project work btw. i just find it so troublesome and all, thou the process can be quite fun.
fc6 doughnut and lil brat brightens a day a lil. haha. sometimes, lil brat can be a brat, but there're times when he can be nice, like whenever we go buy dinner. LOLS.
shopping with SMs on friday cancelled yet again. sighs. will be going to tj to look for eli.
pw timeee~

[update @ 1.29am]
good game. i'm still wide awake, and hungry. just finished part of the ppt not long ago. was talking to CX and eli the whole time through. much better than doing it alone i guess. quite few things learnt from the convos. shall keep them to myself though. but 知人知面不知心。
it ain't difficult to open up to someone afterall.

hey LOVE, once again, i have no idea of the pain and all that you're going thru again, but i really hope that you'll stay strong, coz there's lots of people around you that are still very concerned about you. no matter what, i'll always be here for you, anytime, anywhere, anything. smile girl

fuck it. where's the love

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