Friday, July 18, 2008


STs starts exactly in 1 month's time. and i'm not even 0.00001% prepared. gosh. and bmic starts at 6.00pm!!! wtf can. i think i can prolly fall asleep during the paper. gosh.
ohmymy. i better start studying SUPER HARD. i wanna squeeze into the honour's roll!!! rawrs :D



opened my blog again. thought over things and realised that as much i wish it would, locking my blog would not do me any good. whatever. oh wells.

supposed to complete rwp ppt today, but we didn even touch it. rawrs. ended up doing maths tutorial 13 during the break. cellbio prac was ultimate man, my mood dropped like fuck. i fucking hate to be treated as transparent ok!! bloody hell.
pei-ed shan to wait for her squash trg to start, then trained to bedok, went to the library, return and borrow books. dinner with mummy and lil brat at astons. finally bought my black pumps(: thanks mummy!

anws, to you: i dunno if that one-liner is meant for me. because if it is, then i can only say, i'll prove you wrong. i ain't gonna be sososo affected any longer. not worth is it. since you don't even care. thanks

there's forum tml! (: meeting the scholars yayyay!! :)

shall go read my books.


[update @ 11.39pm]

there goes. i give up.


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