Sunday, July 20, 2008



my mum lost 150 bucks
and she thinks i took it.
what the bloody fuck man!!

i so DID NOT take her freaking money can! i can be hard on cash, but i never. never, never will go take her money la. damnit.

i'm being accused of being a thief by my own mother. my own mother-fucking mother.

how great.
bloody hell.

[update @ 10:06pm]

goddamnfuckinghell. sometimes i just hate to live in this damn hell place! some home it is. fucking shit. i so damn bloody hate to be accused of things i DID NOT DO!!! i dont bloody damn steal!! what a motherfucking mother. i bet she placed it somewhere else and bloody forgot about it can. and while she can go on and on about me taking her damn money and all those fucking shit, i cnt rebut and insist i didn. where's the damn bloody logic la. KNNB la. i may complain that i don't have enough money for shopping and all, i don't take her money w/o her permission. or plainly speaking, i don't even take extra money from her these days. i pay for class fund and whatnots by myself can. i only take transport fees from her. sometimes, i even pay for my bro's dinner with my own pocket money! and all that with my pathetic allowance. and pls, i haven't been shopping as much as i want to ok!! i've been restraining myself from shopping. damnit. bloody hell, she sodamnfreaking lucky that my dad's at home and i cnt use expletives on her, if not, she'll prolly get a string of expletives lashed out at her. i don't care if i get struck by lightning for cursing her. she deserves them, for not trusting her own daughter, and accusing her of stealing!! arghs.
i'm so going to buy ALOT of highlighters tml with my OWN allowance. colour pens make me better. i'd have been alot better if only desmond's online. he's one of the very few who knows about the strained relationship between me and her.

and i think, mugging just now, made me cool down quite a bit. maybe mugging works. oh whatever. i'm so going to study hard, and show her that i'm not slack like she says!

and thanks loser for listening to my expletives(:

ah fuck. what a day.

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