Sunday, July 27, 2008


its not wonder it was a rainy week

this week's a emotional rollercoaster. and i think i ended it with a damn horrible BANG.
how great,

i squeezed the peanut filling of my pancake onto my brother's face.
just because he showed me his fist and talked a whole lot of bullshit when i asked him to get a piece of tissue for me

i have absolutely no idea what made me do that, but i did it. he was just clenching his fists right in front of my face and talking a whole lot of fucking bullshit, and the next moment, i have squeezed the fucking peanuts into his face, threw my breakfast on the table and left the kitchen. BRAVO PRIS.

i swear my parents and my brother, maybe even my aunt, coz my bro's gna tell her are thinking that i'm going insane soon. oh fuck, heck it. doesn mean that always giving way to that bloody asshole, means i'm going to put up with him everytime. my emo level has shot waywayway up. good game.

yest was my first hme. next one will be next sem alrd. lols. i think i did a super bad job. oh whatever.
after hme, went home and went with my parents and brother to the optical shop, to get my bro's specs coz the fucking idoit broke his. and my whole family ended up spending thousand+ bucks there. my bro's specs, dad's specs, mum's specs, and

like finally can. after begging for it for YEARS. hahaha. bought daily disposable ones. supposedly to get monthlies with astig, but it so damn bloody ex. so my optometrist let me try dailies w/o astig and it was rather ok, so i saved quite a bit. but the parents are still complaining, coz they still think its ex. but hell, they wldn let me get monthlies coz they say i dunno how to take care of it, and i'm only supposed to wear contacts on lab days. who cares, sooner or later, i'm going to wear them everyday. HA. oh whatever. i have my contacts and thats enough.
then went to ah-ma's house. came home and slept.

i think i won't be online for the next few days. i have no absolute idea why my wireless modem disappeared and i have no wireless at home, and the only place i can use the internet is the PC, which i so hate using. damnit.

going for XDD's band concert later. bye

damn bloody tired. damn bloody fucked up.

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