Monday, May 12, 2008


its what you make me

ice cream can make my day.
meeting friends can make my day.
a simple wave from someone can make my day.

MR WEE made my day!! ((:
i was super tired and going up the escalator.
then from the corner of my eye
i saw someone on the down-riding escalator giving a small wave.
i looked up and saw MR WEE!!!
i was stunned, then said too loud a HELLO
and gave a wave back.

i didn expect him to recognise me.
much more to wave at me!! haha. (;
MR WEE's still as cute as he was 2 years back!! ((:
he made pris happy today!!
after all the crap in school


wu jia hui's concert:

shan's b'day:

her hands drawn by us!!

candy, me, shan

real random:
look at the height differnce between shan and poh!!
i feel bad. but nvm! haha

to show how big my lappie is:
as compared to shan's lappie

as compared to dear's lappie

our ice-creams during BNJ FREE CONE DAY!

some random thing me and shan were drawing during i forgot when!


i hate it when my mum nags.
its damn bloody irritating.

and sometimes, i just feel helpless when someone is down.

my new nickname from the class : xiao3 la4 jiao1 a.k.a chilli padi!


break me

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