Saturday, May 31, 2008

holly jolly, its the mugging season

i know i'm not supposeed to be here.

i just printed 0.9cm stack worth of ppt slides for BMIC!
and i'm going to start revision now!!
and i'm going to off my router!! =x

and i trimmed/layered my hair this morning.

dinner with ah-ma and others at night.


i'm back from dinner!!
suki sushi @ tpy.
super full & fattening.

i just had a talk with dear & Li Lin.
glad to be able to open up to them again.
and of course, SMs always ((:

another 5 days and nightmare will be going into NS.
gosh. i'm so going to miss him man!!

i love and miss this girl loads!! ((:

nights all

Friday, May 30, 2008


the class celebrated weiling and satish's birthday today during break.

let photos do the talking.

the birthday cake :D

the birthday ppl!! ((:

29may baby weiling, 28may baby satish! :D

the rest are camwhoring pictures of the girls X)

candy & evon

shan & evon

candy & fanny

pris & candy! (:

pris & evon!! <3>
candy, lynette =D

fanny, pris ^^

lynette, pris ><

random pics

the guys are only serious when they've got dota.

the cuteee star-shaped chocolate on my piece of cake

my prettaye laptop!!! (((:
thou it ain't the design that i super like, its the nicest amongst those that can fit my laptop.
who ask my laptop to be so big!? haha
but i love my laptop!! i'm going to protect it!!! XD

i'd love my lappie even more if it was white!!! *beams


its officially into the hols, thou i teachnically wont be having any holidays. i will, definately, confirm study super hard for MSTs, i cnt afford to screw it like i did yesterday. free days will be spent studying, and meeting friends if time permits. and it's gna start TML!! oh yes!!
hopefully kimkim and Li Lin will be free for dinner on monday, yuen and eli free on tues to mug and shop!! ((:

getting a hair trim tml!!

and before i go,
i know itss still early, but ((:


Thursday, May 29, 2008

pris doesn like it when her mummy nags at her as soon as she steps into the house.
it spoils her mood totally.

oh well, not as if my mood is super good today.
i screwed my cell bio CA1. i'll prolly get the lowest. i just wasn in the best condition.
i screwed my RWP CA1 too.
maybe they'll kick me out of scholar programme.
then i'll be more free. =x

and ermm.
i met up with dear, kenneth, nif after RWP
and we trained to douby to meet mai
dinner at this place with free flow of drinks and ice-cream!
its really a nice place to chill and talk, except for the fact that its open, and ermm passerbys can see you. LOL
and ya, me dear mai slacked there till abt 9+, before we finally left.
and ya, i told mai abt him and all.
i miss talking to mai.
i want to meet my friends!!

andand, i'm sorry SMs. i wont be able to make it for night cycling. the timing clashes with my CYA camp. sorrysorry.
so i think i'd be meeting yuen and eli on tues to mug and shop :D

and i'm getting my laptop skin tml!! ((:
my lappie will be prettaye!!

..: -٭٭٭†° äMB®ø§ε °†٭٭٭- 李林盛危机看到良机变成转机等于奇迹 :.. says:
dun like that
leh..make me enter army worrying about this little girl...
i love nightmare laa.. he's by far, the only male who can make me smile, and smile from my heart. and at that moment, he made me feel like a meimei, and he's my kor!! HAHAHA.
anw nightmare, dont worry abt me la. i'll be just fine. there's always sms!! and yeaa, i still want my chocs!! ((:
go ns and come out quick ok!! pris will miss nightmare de!!

i hate those assholes who spam ppl's blog using fake names!! they've got NO LIFE. get a life la losers!!
all the upcoming stress is tiring me out.
i ain't someone who can go through all these.
camps. i guess i prolly die there.

the tears just fall.
the thoughts just run.
maybe one day,
when the tears dry,
i'll be gone.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



i cnt believe that my holidays are officially GONE!!
like i have NO ffuckingHOLIDAYS!!

thanks to the stupid scholar programme, SPOT.
it just very nicely ate up what little bits of what's left of my PATHETIC HOLIDAYS!!
its not even PATHETIC NOW!!

no fucking difference from normal school days.
even worse!! coz it WHOLE DAY EVENTS!!
like i dont even spend the WHOLE DAY in sch!!

look at my horrible holiday schedule!!
3/6 : night cycling
4/6 - 5/6 : CYA Camp
9/6 : water familiarisation course, scholars award ceremony rehearsal
10/6 : water familiarisation course, scholars award ceremony
11/6 : PTN outing
12/6 : SPOT workshop
13/6 : SPOT workshop/HME trg
16/6 - 19/6 : LTC @ PERAK!
20/6 - 21/6 : CYA trg

how nice.
i have NO TIME, to meet my friends
and i have to go to PERAK!!
like wtf!?
had i known,
i wouldn have accepted the damn offer.
life sure has its way to screw my alrd fucked-up life.

its time someone took a gun
put it to my head
and kill me
before all these do.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



i'm finally done with chem practical report.
after dragging it for i-dunno-how-long

my whole day was spent at nainai's house.
not much accomplished,
but definately more than if i'd stayed home.

i was comparing holiday schedule with my cousin.
and i realised that my holidays are almost non-existant alrd.
adapted from dont want to give me chocs nightmare
3 JUNE - night cycling
4-5 JUNE - CYA camp
9 JUNE - scholars award ceremony rehearsal
10 JUNE - scholars award ceremony
11 JUNE - PTN outing
13 JUNE - HME trg
18-21 JUNE - CYA trg

tell me how i am going to squeeze time to MUG and SHOP!!?
and of course meet my friends. psychos, eyegang, makan, SMs, cousin, DEAR.

i need shopping man!
retail therapy!!!
shoes, shorts, skirts, tops, dresses, cardis, bag!!!
i need MONEY and TIME!!! =(((


just bang me dead.
coz everything seems to be coming to an end.

i'll fry you with HCL

i know you know, but if you don't say your answer, i won't know if you know.
anthony chau

i cnt believe i have such a fucking bastard irritating contradictory CHEMISTRY teacher!! i swear he is the WORST chemistry teacher I HAVE EVER HAD!! not talking about his stupid hong kong accent, he has no ability to capture our attention. all he knows is to go on and on and on, mumbling to himself. he doesn know what he is teaching, and throws back our questions at us! and the worst thing! he waste unnecessary time lecturing us about what is good and not good for us, and his so-called revision is a total waste of time, coz no one understands what he is talking. the most laugh-able yet irritating thing about him is that he contradicts whatever he says. e.g what he said above, is damn LOL, and he also says things like, you don't want to listen, i'm ok, you want to game in class, i'm ok, but dont do it in my class! and you want to refer to your notes, i'm ok. but i dont want you to disturb your friends. OMFG can.. how on earth can refering to notes disturb other people?!
if i wasn a scholar, if i wasn a CYA, i'd just have rebutted back man. he's damn bloody lucky i've toned down alrd. if not, damn him, he'd have a hard time. what a fucker


and the school should stop giving me reports. coz i hate reports. and i can nv concentrate when i am doing reports. when i cnt concentrate, i'll eat ice cream. eating ice cream makes priis a fat girl. rawrs!! LOLS!

after piaing IDEAS yest and today, we finally presented and haha, i think we did rather ok! i anyhow bang my slides and it was not bad!! haha i'm proud myself. getting better at all the bullshitting alrd!! LOls

NO LESSONS TML!! will be at nainai's house mugging my ass off for cell bio ICA on thrus!!

I'm at the point of no return
So afraid of getting burned
but I wanna take a chance
Oh, please give me a reason to believe
say you're the one
that you'll always be

Sunday, May 25, 2008


问候歌 - ²Ü¿¥

all it took, was this song, for my tears to fall, finally
i told myself to stay strong after everything was over
but apparently, i couldn.

this song, my weakness (i always cry when i listen to this song, no matter what mood i am in)
made my tears fall
and no doubt, i cried to sleep

i guess i'll have to pick myself up from here and carry on.
its not a time to falter.

to SMs:
thanks for keeping me alive in school. for all the opportunities you girls always create for me, though i never make good use of them. shan, thanks for the mental feed. evon, thanks for the support you give online. candy, thanks for the train rides. without SMs, i guess i'd have crumpled long ago when everything started.

to Li Lin:
you've always been the one giving me advice, this time is not an exception. i guess, till now, certain things, 我还是没你那么勇敢. thanks for all those courage you gave me, it sure helped (:

to eli:
i never knew how harsh those words i used on you were, until you threw them back at me. i prolly made you helpless at how to help me alrd. but, we both know where we stand, i guess. how i wish we were both back at the times last year, with yuen.

to DEAR:
很多话 我不必说 我猜你也知道我想说的是什么 谢谢你

to nightmare:
i didn expect you to talk to me last night, afterall, we havent been talking as much since you returned from the wild. so when you asked me last night, i was shocked for a moment. but well, though you couldn provide me any advice, your silly nonsense made me smile, and i guess, that was more than enough, and like i always say, i dont want 5th june to come, coz our crapping frequency will drop even further. but, thanks nightmare! i still want my chocolates.

and to yuen, if you're reading my blog! i really miss the times we'd sit tgt in class and talk about so many things. i think i really miss your company lots! meet up soon pls! and cheer up too!! loads of love from pris.

oh~ friend 我对你的想念 此刻特别强烈我们如此遥远

wrong guts

maybe i shouldn have.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

best vest


weeee~ this girl nv fails to make me laugh when i'm down!!
just now when i was rather down,
she came online and started being nice to me!!
and she sent me a photo!!
i damn high and i cried. LOLS irony
but yea, main pt, i was high
we highhighhigh all the way!!

and shan too!!
and candy too!!
and lynette too!!
and fanny too!!

ai ya,

daddy and mummy

i think my parents pamper me and my bro alot.
not so much materialistically, but educationally.

materialistically, they give us what they think we need.
which most of the time, is more of a want.
like when my bro wanted a psp, though my dad took a long time to get him one, daddy bought him one eventually, even though bro's results didn meet daddy's expectations. and daddy even bought the more expensive kind, or something like that.
and mummy hasn been nagging me about my recent bouts of retail therapy. which i now, feel super guilty, coz i promised not to shop so much.

education-wise, i really have to say they pamper and spend lots of money on us in this aspect.
for me, they've been providing me with piano lessons since the age of 4, speech and drama lessons when i was young, and tuition since primary school. there has never been a year i go without tuition, even in secondary school. when i was in tj, they bought almost every recommended reference book and they even sent me to physics tuition which cost them a bomb, excluding the transport fees to send me all the way to thomson. those were before this year. yet, i discontinued music lessons just 1 grade before i complete the whole course, i didn do well for psle, didn do as well for Os, flunked jc as a whole. i think i took whatever they gave me for granted, what they gave, no doubt made me stressed, but more evidently, made me over-confident which led to my downfall over and over again. all over, they nagged and expressed disappointment, but they nv stopped giving me whatever i needed.
this year, they bought me those superly over-priced textbooks without hesistation. then they got me wireless internet at home, so that i could access my notes much easier. then when i complained that my lappie was too heavy, they asked if i wanted a lighter one. and when i complained that i cldn catch what my lecturer was teaching, daddy asked if i needed a voice recorder, one that could even transcribe the lecture for me. yet, all i do, is slack my ass off, give them attitude coz i didn have a nice day in school. all those seemed to come to me naturally.

then for my bro. like me, he has nv gone without tuition in his school life before. although he has nv gone for piano lessons or what-so-ever, his tuition has always been one of the best. the most expensive. his tuition fee for a month, could easily be 2/3 months for me. and although they ocassionally nagged, they nv stopped givingg my bro the tuition he needed. and mummy even started working because she wanted us to carry on with our standard of living, without being affected by his increasing tuition fees.
despite all those tuition, bro has nv performed up to standard before. but the parents have nv given up on him.

and finally, yest, i finally saw disappointment in their faces. for once, daddy didn scold or whack bro, for once, mummy didn nag at bro. and when both daddy and mummy stay quiet, its when their real disappointment shows. after my bath yest, i saw mummy sitting alone in bro's room, looking at his report book. never once had i seen mummy doing this before. daddy didn even comment when i talked about bro's results this morning. for once, it occured to me how they felt when daddy signed the withdrawal form at tj that very day.

i feel that both me and bro have let daddy and mummy down, esp me. they always have high hopes for me, yet i disappoint them over and over again. not only that, i failed to fulfil my role as a sister. i failed to take it upon myself to help bro with his studies. i left him to fend for himself, which i think, had a part to play in his failure this time. the moment i think about his results, i somehow will tear a lil and start blaming myself. i nv helped him, nv paid attn to his studies. its not what a sister should do, isn it.
but i dn what i can do. and it doesn help that our character clashes, and teaching him is not an option, because more often that not, we will fight.

i guess apart from crying, the only thing i can do is to work hard myself. because i cnt let daddy and mummy go through another disappointment.
because i love my parents.


i feel alot better after typing all those.
and again, i must thank those who are still helping me through that stupid matter.
Siao Matures
Li Lin

i shall go have my bath, lunch and start work!

Friday, May 23, 2008

deeper than ever

i was left high and dry
when you left on your own

its not even friday the 13th, why is this friday so bad!?
i woke up late
scratched my laptop
forgot to bring my maths tutorial to school
walked to briefing myself
waited for so long for just a stupid videoing
gastric pain
having to know that my bro failed practically every subject for MYEs
having to act as if we were strangers.

i really feel down today.
not to mention stressed
after hearing abt the expectations of being an SP Scholar.


and mummy, i'm sorry for making you worry about me.

i think i'm just worthless to you

Thursday, May 22, 2008

oh-so-true tests


Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve


You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.


YOU NEED A THIRD PARTY. You have no idea at all about how to tell the one that you have fallen in love with. It's safe to say that asking a friend for help is your best solution to get started. SEE THIS GIRLS!! i need ur help!! haha


Your emotional controlled rate: 47%
You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show and when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face.

Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

dear life,

dear life,

firstly, i apologise for calling you a bitch deep in my heart. but you've really been a bitch. you screwed me up down, left right. you didn give my heart and mind it's well-deserved rest after working likefuckcrazy all these months. you make me fall and stumble over and over again. you didnn give me the energy to scream everything deep down out. all you gave me, were tonnes and tonnes of tears, and the path leading to yet another unknown region of darkness.

you know i love my friends, yet you indirectly give them trouble. you give me horrible mood swings. and they in turn, have to worry about my stupid moods. they have to try all means to cheer me up. they have to put up with my endless stupid rants.

you know i hate hide and seek, yet you put me into a game, all alone. with someone so difficult to catch. it tires me. it makes me lose hope in loving someone. but you dont really care, do you. coz you ain't the one playing this game.

you give me opportunities to improve, yet you bring more pain and stress to my life.

but i have to thank you for giving me the only things i liive for, my friiends.

i still wish you'd treat me better, life.QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH ME!!

yours truely,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


and a 2 hr TUESDAY!!

i managed to wake up early.
and wash and blow dry my hair.
and i managed to put my fringe down!!
after so long of pinning my fringe up coz it fugly,
i can get my lovely fringe down!! ((:

and it made me happy,
even walking to the mrt station was a happy thing.
and i love what i wore today. LOLS.

and i saw DEAR today!! ((:
and kg too!! bahaha.

there's no cello practise tml!! :D
might be meeting dear to study!! ((:

how i wish you wouldn do this to me


D End

there's nothing larger and stronger than a volunteer's heart

i'm thinking of volunteering back at HQ for the donation collection.
it makes me feel useful.

chapter closed, awaiting a new chapter

i cnt believe myself.
just to ensure that the chapter closes nicely
i sacrificed dinner
and tortured by legs by standing for almost 2 hrs.
and all i was greeted with was a whole lot of bullshit excuses.
oh wells, whatever.

i'm waiting, rather eagerly for the new one.
thou it may be strewn with bumps and thorns and all.
every chapter is a new experience.
and i grow with every chapter.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today, hold off making any judgments -- your mood isn't clear today. Wait a

Friendster Horoscope

oh woah
i wonder what judgement i'm supposed to make today.

i cnt wait for tml to come.
because once tml is over.
the chapter will close.

i want to meet dear.
i want to tell her everything again. rawrs.
i miss dear lots!! :(

i prolly wont be touching my hwk today.
my mind's tangled again.
after that weird dream yest.
shall slack my day away until its time for family dinner.

till then~


late by 1 week, pictures from PRELUDE 28

while waiting for the star, yuen, to come out!!

jia lin, eli, bridget, pris
wee kee, zie wearn, hong hui
nicholas, joel, timo

my ex-act cute/camwhore partner - TIMOmojojo

yuen and eli! (:

yuen and nic! (:

US with YUEN!! (((:

my dearest girls!! <3

then after the concert, we went to BK for supper.

bridget, pris, jia lin, eli by the riverside.

the night lights were wonderful.*

the guys decided to join us in the pic too!! (:

i took this randomly! heh XP


me and my dearest gossip girl!! =DDDDD


i finally, somehow, settled myself after my previous post.
and i cleaned up my room.
and did some of my tutorials. ((:
i'm proud of myself for touching my tutorials!!
and i twinkled the piano keys again!! XD

going to HQ to help out on monday.
then study with HN..
then concert =x
oh wells, it'll be ok, i hope, everything must be alright.

shall slp now!!
have to complete stupid RWP report tml.
and family dinner tml!! ((:


i can only think of
you and only you

Saturday, May 17, 2008

i'm supposed to be going for a camp in school
but i'm giving it a miss even though i paid for it.

i dread school now.
the mention of it makes me shiver.
the sight of it makes me want to turn away.

talk about the class.
and i'll shut my ears.
close my eyes.
my heart will start pumping.
my tears will start flowing.

somehow when all these happened,
i didn expect it to be this bad, really.
i guess its all my fault.

i know i havent been blogging properly these few days.
and i doubt that i will in the next few days.
because sch's been the old boring school.
just with the exception that it's become a hide and seek game.

i didn want all this to happen
but it did.
all i want now
is things to be back to normal

Friday, May 16, 2008

turn time around

its still super akward.
why is it that when i'm willing to open my heart.
you choose to close yourself up.
and move further from me.

if i knew things would end up in this manner.
i'd rather not fall into this in the first place.

if i knew things would end up in this manner.
i'd rather keep bury everything into my heart.

how i wish i could turn back time.
back to the time when everything was that pure.
back to the time when everything was much more

a 5 month chapter is about to close.
with it, comes another chapter waiting to be pried open


Thursday, May 15, 2008

sorry, i cnt

i've got to apologise to the people i've been worrying these few days.
i'm sorry girls, for being so grumbly and naggy and all these 2 days. hope i didn down ur mood
Li Lin
my apologies for going on and on and on, then leaving you aside. :(
and THANKS for listening to me go on and on and on.
and all the advice

although i still cnt stop avoiding it
although i still dunno how to face it
i'll try to.
i need time

i got into the SP Scholar Programme
yet i'm not the least happy

how i wish time will rewind itself

for once, i wish this didn happen

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

ignorance is bliss

[UPDATE @ 11:27pm]

i simply cnt get myself to get down to work.
my brain keeps running.
but not abt studies
my heart keeps racing.
but i dont know abt what

i think i still won't be able to settle by monday.
i think i won't be able to enjoy the concert.
i think i will keep thinking abt it de.
can someone help me!!?

i thank god for the girls in sch.
they keep me sane and all.
they help me go through every moment.
they help me vocalise my thoughts.
sch would be alot ddifferent w/o them.

could you teach me how?
could you give me the answer?


sometimes i wonder if things are really as simple as we wish them to be.
sometimes i wonder if things could be not as complicated as we think them to be.
sometimes i wonder if things will really turn out the way we need them to be.

sometimes, ignorance is bliss

nightmare is back from the wild. and nightmare makes me happy! coz nightmare entertains me((:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

G for girls and gossip

when you stepped into my view

i know you love me and evon!!
haha =D

today was full of gossips. and noise
noise during prac. we were tearing the lab down
and gossip during lunch & break!

oh yes!
FC6 doughnut is ULTIMATE LOVE!! <3
and pris saw dear today!! hello dear *waves*

i need to wake up early tml!
and there's some cello practice tml.


i knew it wouldn be the same anymore

Monday, May 12, 2008


its what you make me

ice cream can make my day.
meeting friends can make my day.
a simple wave from someone can make my day.

MR WEE made my day!! ((:
i was super tired and going up the escalator.
then from the corner of my eye
i saw someone on the down-riding escalator giving a small wave.
i looked up and saw MR WEE!!!
i was stunned, then said too loud a HELLO
and gave a wave back.

i didn expect him to recognise me.
much more to wave at me!! haha. (;
MR WEE's still as cute as he was 2 years back!! ((:
he made pris happy today!!
after all the crap in school


wu jia hui's concert:

shan's b'day:

her hands drawn by us!!

candy, me, shan

real random:
look at the height differnce between shan and poh!!
i feel bad. but nvm! haha

to show how big my lappie is:
as compared to shan's lappie

as compared to dear's lappie

our ice-creams during BNJ FREE CONE DAY!

some random thing me and shan were drawing during i forgot when!


i hate it when my mum nags.
its damn bloody irritating.

and sometimes, i just feel helpless when someone is down.

my new nickname from the class : xiao3 la4 jiao1 a.k.a chilli padi!


break me