Sunday, June 1, 2008

term break

before anything,
gosh, i haven't seen this girl in like a million years. and i miss her like loads.
and a long time since makan, makaned. haha


oh well,
its offically the end of term 1 of school.
and i officially announce that

thinking back at those stupid fears that i had before term started, i think i was stupid. seriously. maybe not. what being scared of being outcasted, being scared of not being able to cope. haha. i survived them! 7 WEEKS OF SCHOOL yo! :D

now let me recap,
out of 7 weeks, i only did less than one week of serious work. serious as in serious. yea. haha. ermm i slacked my time away? tutorials half-done and all. not paying attention in lessons, giving attitude to teachers, laughing like mad in class. i enjoyed my term more than i was stressed over it. haha. despite all those, this-course-is-not-going-to-be-easy-shit. haha.
seriously time to buck up for term 2!! coz thats when everything will go crazy, with CCAs and all coming in. =X

then, there's the superunited class of 1B22. i never expected the class to turn out in this manner, fun and all. it somehow brings me back to 2007. how the guys can mix totally well with the girls, how'd we have senseless quarrels. the birthday celebrations we have. unforgettable.

then, how could i forget my girls, SMs, a.k.a Siao MatureS!!! they seriously inject craziness into my school life, more than any of my friends have done. from the stupid lame cold jokes, to the imitation of teachers, to laughing at the guys, to quarreling with the guys. HAHAHA. i love them to bits and pieces. and also the times when we'd book a project room and start gossiping inside, or rather listen to me and evon talk abt K and PM. they give me support, haha, helping me in... only-they-know-what.
school would be much different w/o them, i guess. so much for those first impressions which proved us all wrong. =p
I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!! SMs forever!!!!

how i wish this term would spread its fun and all to term 2. really. i'm looking forward, thou, to PTN. haha. and of coz, shopping with the girls once MSTs are over!! ((:
i only wish for the days before 140508 to stay, those times, only they know what


time to bathe and return to Sample Preparation.

cnt wait for tml.
mugging @ school library! :D
PP with dear, and maybe kg after that!! =)


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