Wednesday, June 25, 2008

cell bioooo~

oh yea~
i'm in the sch library now.
and i survived lets see - 4 days of no internet. hahaha.. long live pris! =P
oh wells, i was online sometimes, but not w/o lil brat staring at me while i print notes from BB.

so far~
bmic has been RATHER ok. i totally forgot the names of the microscopes. screwed.
maths was rather... idk.. i was hoping for full marks, looks like its gone.
chem.. lets just say.. screwed. for my standard that is

tml's cell bio. the WORST!! gosh.
i've been staying back in the library, and then subway at singpost to mug. and i average 3 hrs/chap. DEAD.

be back tml~
its the last paper~
then i'll be going swimming with SMs.
then meeting up with girls to celebrate zhuzhu's b'day.


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