Monday, June 2, 2008

holidays no more

i wonder what i'm putting myself through
by accepting that scholarship
and going through all those activities.

it deprived me of my holidays. never mind
its going to deprive me of time spent with SMs. never mind
now, its going to deprive me of bonding time with my class during PTN.
damnit. like fucking hell man!!
i wonder why, for those school fees, and the good testimonial at the end, i'm putting myself through all these not very necessary problems. really. because of the prestige? because of the the testimonial for entry into university? i dunno because of what. seriously. i didn have to worry so much last time, and i didn expect myself to worry so much. the stress put on us is really heavy. i never had to worry so much about my results before.
someday, when everything becomes too stressed, i'll just drop. drop dead.


rawrs rawrs.
i just came home from shopping at PP with dear and kg.
but i didn manage to buy anything.

mugging at school with SMs was rather productive.
i re-did 4 chapters of maths.
much more than i'd have done at home.


♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:21 PM):
i need to get plain boyfriend shirt

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
ok i will get for you

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:22 PM):

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
your wish is my command

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:22 PM):
sound like a bf can
will you be mine?

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
im ur bf what
yes i wlil my Love

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:23 PM):
i want you to be my boyfriend!!

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:23 PM):
sorrry i am a girl
do i look like a guy to you

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么says (11:24 PM):
joking la

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:24 PM):
i know laa
so funnay
i like the last few lines of our convo

talking to eli can be really fun. her silliness and my lameness can really make me smile :D

meeting yuen in the morning for mugging, then eli will join us in the afternoon for shopping :DD
bigbigLOVE!! ((:

shall go do somemore maths before i sleep


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