Sunday, June 29, 2008

rewound memories

squad outing(:
present: isaac, yiting, haoning, chuying, priscilla, ambrose isn't it always us few =x
time: 11:30AM to 06:00PM

the last time we met was 3May08. Today is 29June08. i'm rather impressed. We used to meet every 6 months. Now, we meet in the span of 2 months. haha. But, i guess, sometimes it can get quite disappointing when you always see the same faces and dont see the faces you seldom see. oh wells.
anws, being typical us as a squad, we were all late, leaving the not-very-clever ambrose waiting for us yet again. haha. HN's dad picked me up, then picked yt up. met brose at the KTV. and we started singing.singsingsing. sang till about 2+, when isaac came and helped us buy lunch. eat, cont singing. haha. we're just so fond of singing laa. heh. and i swear isaac CAN sing la. his voice is damn good. but being his usual sissygay, he refused to use the mic and sing. rawrs. oh wells. haha.
they're thinking of gging for holiday tgt in dec. prob phuket or something. just hope nothing clashes and we all can go(: it'd be nice.
i seriously miss squad days. just looking at each batch pass out makes me feel old and long for those days again. there'd definately be many things i'd want to change if we could rewind the times. oh wells, at least we're still close.
Pris loves her squad!! =DD

sidetrack, TOPONE KTV is quite ok laa. We each paid $20 to sing from 11AM to 6PM. and we've got free flow of drinks. The room's quite big, songs quite updated also. But the aircon was damn cold, and we have to go to the side of the room to choose songs. inconvenient laa. i'd prefer TOPONE over KBOX, but its still TEOHENG first!! haha. wont mind going TOPONE again though. =)

oh yess, CY passed me my pair of shoes. meant as my b'day present. haha. me, cy, hn have the same pair of shoes heh. i love the shoes!! THANKS CY!! ((:


MY SHOES!! ((:

it was candy's idea. HAHA

i turn spastic everytime i camwhore with candy =p

i am sososo, everso reluctant to go back to proper lessons tml. darn. oh wellls.
not looking forward to weekends too, coz i have CYA trg. darn. i'm beginning to dread. siannns.


I LOVE SHAN & CANDY!! and of course best partner, lyn, fanny!! SMs! (:

ok. i swapped phones with lil brat. so i'm using W810 i think. lols. yuen! its the same phone as you! LOL. the reason i wanted to change is damn dumb but i dont really care. i bought this hp sock the other day and my K810i is too big for it, so since lil brat's phone is smaller, i decided to change with him. plus he's got more games in his phone!! haha.
alrights. time to sleep. dreading.. dreading..

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