Friday, June 27, 2008

the cuttlefish & the sotongs

i'm rotting at home~
gonna look for mummy and the guys at work later. *hohoho.
i wanna go SHOPPING~ wait wait waiting for someone to go with me

anw, i was stoning yest and i realised that there was something damn stupid that ihappened in camp that i have not blogged about.
lets see.

main character : Marcus a.k.a cuttlefish.
editor's note: he was supposed to be sotong, coz he could recognise his own kind from what everyone thought was achar. then he apparently became a lil smarter, so he's cuttlefish.

Venue: outdoor dining hall @ hotspring.

Story: 5 stones were sitting on the bamboo benches and table for dinner tgt. as usul. seeing cuttlefish and louis alone, we invited them to join us. then, shafiq and aizat joined the table too. all of us were just chit-chatting, when someone asked cuttlefish which course he was in. And he claimed he was in Banking and Finance(DBF). then there were just randomly talking about teachers and stuff.
Aizat (A): so who's your form teacher?
Marcus (C): oh.. Mr Lim
A: THAT Mr Lim ah.. that one you say he very...
C: err, nonono, another Mr Lim.
then sharon was asking about PACC.
A: what does PACC stand for ah?
C: POA la. principle of accounts.
A: Then why is PACC, not POA?
C: coz its not POA la.
A: sneezesBULLSHIT
innocent pris was still laughing at Aizat, thinking he was making fun of cuttlefish and i even asked cuttlefish the diff btwn DBF and DAC. and he gave me an ans which seemed quite logical. and so i believe. or rather, 5 stones ALL believed him, and thought cuttlefish was REALLY from DBF.
turned out.....

MARCUS IS NOT FROM DBF!!! damn. He's from EEEMM. rawrs. haha. 5 stones all felt damn stupid la!! rawrs!!
haha. and sharon was the funniest!! she threatened to tear cuttlefish's passport up and burn it, so he'd be stranded in M'sia and cnt go back to S'pore.
and omgee.. everyone at the table were laughing man!! even the teachers were!! gosh. after half an hour of talking about it, we didn even realise we were tricked, and even when aizat told us, we didn really believe la!! seeeeee, trust betrayed! HAHA.
but the whole thing was dammn fun. really. you'd have to be there to experience that atmosphere to be able to feel what we were feeling then!!
hahahahahahha :DDD
damn funny. something i'm gna rmb for quite a period of time.

report done!
going to go back to my shows. ((:

i should have some self-control and stop munching non-stop. =x i've been growing fat ever since i started school, more so when MST stress came near. oh wells, tues swims with candy and shan will burn them off. burn the fats, not burn me. stupid sunburn still damn pain!=X

am supposed to be at eli's house, watching sky of love. but i'm just too lazy to move my butt. been spending the whole day online, watching 命中and 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭. lalalahs.
shall take a nap, and bathe, and train to expoooo!!
maybe a trip to the library too! i do miss reading! haha


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