Monday, June 9, 2008


with a heel and a toe,
and a new friend found.

made new friends today. (:
it isn that difficult after all.
as long as i remove that big rock from my heart

rehearsal today was quite ok, apart from that !%&$&%$^#. yea. its the past. tml's a new day :D
awards ceremony tml. the parents are coming ! <3
and BIGBIG THANKS to Li Lin for msging me throughout today!! ((:
and i met up with candy and best partner for a short while jsut now!! happyhappy!! =)))
going to see SMs on wed night for BBQ and friday HME trg =DDD

next week will be camp.
i was thinking back, and realised that the very last training camp i went to as a campee, was ULP. and omg, its like more than 2 years back. gosh. i hate camps la. seriously. no parent to take care of me. :( somemore its outside s'pore. ahhh. even when i was in yunnan, i had dear!! i bet there won't be reception there. PRIS MUST STAY STRONG!!! haha..

what a random post.

one last thing before i go mug,
to the person, you know who you are, this thing is getting worse in case you dont notice it. we're even worse off than strangers. at least strangers smile back at me when i try to smile. and to think i'm going to see more of you for another half a year and more. thanks for the silence ya, it screws me up and i guess if itt makes you happy, go ahead. to think i thought we were friends, but i guess not. friends dont do this to friends. its not your fault, its mine. fuck.


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