Tuesday, June 10, 2008


pris should stop being over-reliant, like seriously

Awards ceremony earlier on. made more friends. expectations for us are like REAL high and all. PRIS, ITS TIME TO BUCK UP!! rawrs. and i realised that the parents are as anti-social as me. heh.
shopping at IMM with them after that. gonna head there soon for shopping. haha. things are rather cheaper there. or so i think

it kindda sucks knowing that nightmare won't be coming online, and that i cnt complain and whine to him. shucks. i nv knew i was so reliant on him. and loser too.

and did i mention that when D suddenly msged me yest, i got a shock and was surprised that D actually rmbs the presence of me and that i need this kind of msg to keep me going. i mean, i'm prolly just a passing friend in his life and he actually bothers, so what if its a mass-sent msg. i dont even bother, but he does. oh wells.
then i was thinking about the impressions i leave on people. if my friends will rmb me if we part our own ways in the future. oh wells.

time to do some work before i go to sleep.

only time will prove if liking him was a right choice

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