Monday, June 30, 2008

i thank..

ain't supposed to be online. have to control time spent online. stupid electricity bills' gging up by 5%. darn.

quick one.

1. currently watching this show on Arts Central - Human Spirit. and they're showing about this man who has warts growing all over his body, esp. his hands and legs, and he looks like a tree. i think he looks scary, along with other men, who have very unusual defects too. i guess i have to start learning to appreciate what i am now.

2. i used to say that i hate people who keeps saying that their results suck though its good. and today, i became someone i hate myself. i guess i was just too obsessed with my stupidness. sorry candy =x

3. got back half of bmic's mst paper today. the maurice-ling true-or-false section. got 42.5/50. rawrs. i cnt deny that i was quite happy at first. but as i analysed, i realised that i took a wrong step while doing the paper. if i hadn done that, i'd have scored 45.5. and it'll pull up my other section, which i totally screwed. damn. forget it.

4. i was still thinking that i can meet dear on wed. then aunt asked me to go to nainai's hse on wed for dinner, coz she cooked soup for me. now i cnt meet dear.. DEAR!! CAN I MEET YOU FOR LUNCH INSTEAD!?

5. have to wake up early tml. some class outing to catch a movie before lesson at 1 tml. ha.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

rewound memories

squad outing(:
present: isaac, yiting, haoning, chuying, priscilla, ambrose isn't it always us few =x
time: 11:30AM to 06:00PM

the last time we met was 3May08. Today is 29June08. i'm rather impressed. We used to meet every 6 months. Now, we meet in the span of 2 months. haha. But, i guess, sometimes it can get quite disappointing when you always see the same faces and dont see the faces you seldom see. oh wells.
anws, being typical us as a squad, we were all late, leaving the not-very-clever ambrose waiting for us yet again. haha. HN's dad picked me up, then picked yt up. met brose at the KTV. and we started singing.singsingsing. sang till about 2+, when isaac came and helped us buy lunch. eat, cont singing. haha. we're just so fond of singing laa. heh. and i swear isaac CAN sing la. his voice is damn good. but being his usual sissygay, he refused to use the mic and sing. rawrs. oh wells. haha.
they're thinking of gging for holiday tgt in dec. prob phuket or something. just hope nothing clashes and we all can go(: it'd be nice.
i seriously miss squad days. just looking at each batch pass out makes me feel old and long for those days again. there'd definately be many things i'd want to change if we could rewind the times. oh wells, at least we're still close.
Pris loves her squad!! =DD

sidetrack, TOPONE KTV is quite ok laa. We each paid $20 to sing from 11AM to 6PM. and we've got free flow of drinks. The room's quite big, songs quite updated also. But the aircon was damn cold, and we have to go to the side of the room to choose songs. inconvenient laa. i'd prefer TOPONE over KBOX, but its still TEOHENG first!! haha. wont mind going TOPONE again though. =)

oh yess, CY passed me my pair of shoes. meant as my b'day present. haha. me, cy, hn have the same pair of shoes heh. i love the shoes!! THANKS CY!! ((:


MY SHOES!! ((:

it was candy's idea. HAHA

i turn spastic everytime i camwhore with candy =p

i am sososo, everso reluctant to go back to proper lessons tml. darn. oh wellls.
not looking forward to weekends too, coz i have CYA trg. darn. i'm beginning to dread. siannns.


I LOVE SHAN & CANDY!! and of course best partner, lyn, fanny!! SMs! (:

ok. i swapped phones with lil brat. so i'm using W810 i think. lols. yuen! its the same phone as you! LOL. the reason i wanted to change is damn dumb but i dont really care. i bought this hp sock the other day and my K810i is too big for it, so since lil brat's phone is smaller, i decided to change with him. plus he's got more games in his phone!! haha.
alrights. time to sleep. dreading.. dreading..

Saturday, June 28, 2008

get the tan away.

the burn i got from swimming hurts like fuck.
it still hurts after 2 days. damn.

i was just doing some alteration to my skirt just now, just taking out stitches so it'd look nicer
and was trying to see how it would look.
then i realised that my legs were of different tones. fuck.
its like my right leg is darker than my left. shit.
i'm like so dead. my whole body's tan is so damn bloody uneven.

oh wells.
tml K with squad.


解开我的迷惑 收起你的冷漠

伤痛已经太多 心也早已伤透
我已不想再为谁 去软弱

throw me on a merry-go-round

i'm back to reading books. (((: haha.
went to the library yest to borrow books
then to JL sale to shop and look for mummy and the guys.
got myself 2 pairs of shorts and 2 everlast tanks. haha. long live mummy. she actually allowed me to buy. i wanna go back to get somemore stuff.
and i only saw the biggest bully by the name of elvin la.
couldn find desmond. :( only saw him when i was waiting for mummy at the mrt.
nvm. i'm goingg back again. very soon. haha.

should be going to K with the yt, cy, brose, zj tml.


before we started on our journey. all hail the scholars!!

ARTEMIS lalehloh ((:

LTC loves! (:

zhuzhu & pigpig

ELIelephant . PRISpig


i miss Li Lin. i miss MAKAN. i miss dear..

back to my books~

Friday, June 27, 2008

the cuttlefish & the sotongs

i'm rotting at home~
gonna look for mummy and the guys at work later. *hohoho.
i wanna go SHOPPING~ wait wait waiting for someone to go with me

anw, i was stoning yest and i realised that there was something damn stupid that ihappened in camp that i have not blogged about.
lets see.

main character : Marcus a.k.a cuttlefish.
editor's note: he was supposed to be sotong, coz he could recognise his own kind from what everyone thought was achar. then he apparently became a lil smarter, so he's cuttlefish.

Venue: outdoor dining hall @ hotspring.

Story: 5 stones were sitting on the bamboo benches and table for dinner tgt. as usul. seeing cuttlefish and louis alone, we invited them to join us. then, shafiq and aizat joined the table too. all of us were just chit-chatting, when someone asked cuttlefish which course he was in. And he claimed he was in Banking and Finance(DBF). then there were just randomly talking about teachers and stuff.
Aizat (A): so who's your form teacher?
Marcus (C): oh.. Mr Lim
A: THAT Mr Lim ah.. that one you say he very...
C: err, nonono, another Mr Lim.
then sharon was asking about PACC.
A: what does PACC stand for ah?
C: POA la. principle of accounts.
A: Then why is PACC, not POA?
C: coz its not POA la.
A: sneezesBULLSHIT
innocent pris was still laughing at Aizat, thinking he was making fun of cuttlefish and i even asked cuttlefish the diff btwn DBF and DAC. and he gave me an ans which seemed quite logical. and so i believe. or rather, 5 stones ALL believed him, and thought cuttlefish was REALLY from DBF.
turned out.....

MARCUS IS NOT FROM DBF!!! damn. He's from EEEMM. rawrs. haha. 5 stones all felt damn stupid la!! rawrs!!
haha. and sharon was the funniest!! she threatened to tear cuttlefish's passport up and burn it, so he'd be stranded in M'sia and cnt go back to S'pore.
and omgee.. everyone at the table were laughing man!! even the teachers were!! gosh. after half an hour of talking about it, we didn even realise we were tricked, and even when aizat told us, we didn really believe la!! seeeeee, trust betrayed! HAHA.
but the whole thing was dammn fun. really. you'd have to be there to experience that atmosphere to be able to feel what we were feeling then!!
hahahahahahha :DDD
damn funny. something i'm gna rmb for quite a period of time.

report done!
going to go back to my shows. ((:

i should have some self-control and stop munching non-stop. =x i've been growing fat ever since i started school, more so when MST stress came near. oh wells, tues swims with candy and shan will burn them off. burn the fats, not burn me. stupid sunburn still damn pain!=X

am supposed to be at eli's house, watching sky of love. but i'm just too lazy to move my butt. been spending the whole day online, watching 命中and 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭. lalalahs.
shall take a nap, and bathe, and train to expoooo!!
maybe a trip to the library too! i do miss reading! haha


Thursday, June 26, 2008


my 75th post..


its more of a relief than bring happy.
after all the abstinence from the net, and all those muggings, its finally time to take a well-deserved break, before all the craziness starts again. ha. guess i really need to work SUPER hard in time to come, in order to retain my scholarship. darn.

oh wells.

after MSTs,
trained with candy & shan to Delta Swimming Complex for a swim. in the afternoon. at 12.32PM. ain't we pro. swimming at that kind of time. that kind of weather. haha. swam 20 laps. bathed. walked to some hawker center for lunch. train home.
home. rushed to change and went to meet EYEgang at bedok. trained to VIVO! the girls had dinner at LJS. then we went to catch the movie - GET SMART!! omfg.. that movie is damn freaking FUNNY can. we were laughing all the way. nice show(: then after the show, wandered ard, and MANGO was closed alrd.. my tank tops!!! :(( trained home at ard 10+pm. nice day out!! ((:

wondered why my title is red lobster?
coz i'm SUN BURNT!!! damnit. my arms are like damn red, looks like my arms have been cooked before. and my back has the swimming costume line, damn ugly. and my cheeks and nose got burnt too. the girls asked if i put blusher, coz it quite pinkish, even though i tried to cover with foundation. darn. i HATE HATE HATE being sun burnt. damn. oh well, i'm a temporary red lobster. =x

i'm left with MAKAN people and the psychos to meet. TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE FREEEEE!!
CL, i'm RATHER free now. haha, MSTs OVER!! (((:

i guess when you said, nothing is forever. i could have guess everything. its all different. now that you've got your own world, i mean nothing to you, not even your #^%$. i'm sorry. sorry for myself and your friends. i do wonder if you do that to them too, coz it seems like you do. gosh

i wanna train down to expo to look for desmond =x

(: SMs
(: 5 stones
(: eyegang
(: holy trinity

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

cell bioooo~

oh yea~
i'm in the sch library now.
and i survived lets see - 4 days of no internet. hahaha.. long live pris! =P
oh wells, i was online sometimes, but not w/o lil brat staring at me while i print notes from BB.

so far~
bmic has been RATHER ok. i totally forgot the names of the microscopes. screwed.
maths was rather... idk.. i was hoping for full marks, looks like its gone.
chem.. lets just say.. screwed. for my standard that is

tml's cell bio. the WORST!! gosh.
i've been staying back in the library, and then subway at singpost to mug. and i average 3 hrs/chap. DEAD.

be back tml~
its the last paper~
then i'll be going swimming with SMs.
then meeting up with girls to celebrate zhuzhu's b'day.


Friday, June 20, 2008


hellooo earthlings!!
just came back from the airport, from CYA trg and gossiping session.

CYA trg was rather ok.
so much to memorise can.
and i got a feeling that i'll be stationed at t3.
gosh. so much to memorise for t3 la.

anyways, after trg, went to BK, with the intention of studying.
ended up gossiping with edmund and sueann.
trained home, watched 命中


LTC was really fun. i never expected myself to enjoy it so much.
the activities were not as tough as i thought.
white water rafting was more fun and exciting than i thought.
more important was the company.
my bunkies a.k.a 5 stones, jolynn, jazreel, siew yee, sharon :D
holy trinity members (:
they were all there to help me when i needed help.
they were all damn on when we had midnight talks.
bunkies were damn nice to me.

but then again, there were some stuff that made MOST of us disgusted. georgiana and amanda were like flirting with the guys. they acted like they were a couple, georgiana and quan li, amanda and owen. appparently, they slept on the same bed for both nights. yucks can.
then during the 3rd day, at the orang asli village, amanda and georgiana were trying to make owen have an erection. like WTF!?

i am seriously thinking how the selection panel chose us.
and Jia Hui was just simply being an ass by not cooperating with the group, not helping the girls during the trek. darn. how did i have such a groupmate!?

nvm those. the most important thing is..


i want more camps with them!! ((:

will not be coming online until after MSTs. daddy's plucking out the internet line :(
meeting edmund and sueann to mug before and after CYA trg tml! :D


Thursday, June 19, 2008

back to comfort

it feels damn good to be back.

will blog more tml, after CYA airport trg!


AGC / 5 STONES rawks!!! :DDDDDDD

Sunday, June 15, 2008


this blogskin's tempo.
just find it damn cool, as in the quote. =P
will change it when i come back.

anw, went to queensway with the family today.
lil brat got his badminton racket
daddy bought tevas sandals for me, no, for lil brat, no, for himself.
oh well, i'm wearing it for camp, then either daddy or lil brat will wear it!! haha.

camp's tml till thrus.
i hope i brought everything i need.
and i really really hope i will just go there and enjoy.
for the first time a camp is so long, out of s'pore.
pris will be homesick one can. =x

but oh well, i'm quite looking forward to the activities.
and i really am aiming to improve my friendship with him.

CONQUER the activities
DEFEAT the fears
ACHIEVE the once-impossible.

i'll miss everyone, everything.

and just in case i get disfigured in the camp,
just joking,
just in case you guys forget how i look like..


and for SMs, who loves pris unglam,

yours truly,

signing off =D

Saturday, June 14, 2008

what doesn kill you makes you stronger

A story to share..

One day, a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley.

A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. The was not a mark or flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.

Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. it was beating strongly, but full of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places, there were deep gouges with whole pieces missing.

The people stared. How could he say his heart is more beautiful?? they though. The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state and laughed. "You must be joking." he said. "Compare your heart with mine. Mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."

"Yes." said the old man. 'Yours is perfect looking but i would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom i have given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and they often give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which i cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes i have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his hearrt to me. These are the empty gouges - giving loce is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love i have for these people too, and i hope someday they may return and fill the space i have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"

The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks.. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect, young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with trembling hands.

The old man tooks his offering, placed it in his heart and took a piece from his old scarred heart and place it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore, but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.

They embraced and walked away side by side.

Moral of the story : The more hurt and pain you have gone thru in life, the stronger and more beautiful your heart will be..


i got this story from dear's blog. dated, 28 dec 2007. yea, it was tgt with my b'day post from dear.

i guess my heart is super scarred. jagged edges, but more of gouges. deep big ones that will never be filled.

and the moral of the story brings me to something that i once saw on my friend's nick
what doesn kill you, makes you stronger
as true as it may seem, to me, it takes a super long time for this to take effect on me. before the saying sets in, for me, its more of "what doesn kill me, makes me want to kill myself more" and i'm serious. ask loser and you'll know what i mean.

really tired of whatever's going on now.
time for me to start growing stronger.

[UPDATE @ 1.30PM]
WOOHHOOOOO~~ nightmare msged me from camp!! HAHAHHAHAA.. now i can happily eat up my notes =P
i don't care if its over-reliance

[UPDATE @ 4.55PM]
DAMNIT!! i should exercise more self control man. or maybe i should have just turned off my router. i took a damn 3 hrs to finish 1 chap of bmic. GOOD GAME. darn. its gonna be late night tonight again. gotta clear bmic by today, clear chem tml, so as to be in time for MSTs. fuck.
gonna bathe and prepare to go down to AMK Hub with daddy to get camp stuff. stupid lil brat ain't coming. darnn.
pray MSTs be over soon man. i want to SHOP! and MJ with the kakhis man!!
and SHIT! i'm like craving for caramel frap when i just had it yesterday.

[UPDATE @ 1.22AM]
i'm like going to sleep w/o mugging. DAMN!!
anways, was at AMK Hub just now. got most of my camp stuff. and it was a case of correct place, wrong companion. there were like so many beeyouteefool things there can. rawrs. but i still bought 2 umbro jerseys. who cares if lil brat has them too, in different colour and designn. HA.
and gosh, i seriously pray that my ****** will just freaking stop when i reach perak. coz i still want to try out river crossing and white water rafting. damnit.
and elilove is damn cute sia. she started a convo with me by asking if i'm pris. =.= she's prolly gone crazy from muugging.
and chat with Li Lin is love.
i think i need a new brain and new heart.
i no longer believe in friendships, forever, because forever doesn exist. i used to believ it, but after that day, i think not. my only friends now are my lappie, notes, bed and phone.
speaking of phone, lil brat sent me the diner dash game in my phone. and now, i waste battery by playing it on the train, in the car, everywhere.
pain pain, is here to stay

Friday, June 13, 2008

you were once my sweetest escapade

he was once my sweetest escapade

yesterday night, i left D a msg and went offline w/o waiting for his reply.
this night, i came online and saw his offline msg.
its his ability, maybe his only, to make me feel cared for. his words, thou grammatically horrible, are great encouragement for me to carry on. its something that not many can do, not even my closest friends, with the exception of nightmare. honestly, i miss speaking to him. those encouragements. i regret deleting those msges. and NO, it ain't the feelings coming back.

he was once the pull factor

one month. one month since everything started going wrong. i used to look forward to going to school because of. now, i dread going too school because of the very same thing. its topsy-turvy, all wrong. 时间真的能改变一切吗?

there was once 4

i sorta blurted out to my parents, about how i hate being left alone at home, this morning. then in the evening, daddy called and asked if i wanted to have dinner with him. mummy asked to know my friiends more. i miss the lil brat. i miss the times when the 4 of us will go out shopping, it was much more fun.

it was only awhile ago

when everything didn seem like it would undergo a change. but what you did today was really hurting friend. i'm sorry

it was only hours ago
when i was at HME trg
when i was mugging alone at Starbucks with Caramel Frap
when i was mugging with HN at BK.

i pray for the nightmare and the cousin to be safe thru NS

turn back the clock

Thursday, June 12, 2008


know something,

i somehow feel that everything's changed.
it'll never be the same again.

sometimes i think i really should control my mind,
but i can never do so.
its runs like fire, and it burns like hell.

i'm sorry friend.
somethings just can't be the same anymore.

its not you. its just me. i'm just a fucking bitch who deserves no love. because i've got the whole world against me. and its me annd only me against the whole damn world. its time to rethink everything. even you, her, him everyone. i'm putting my own screwed life at risk. because everything seems fucking wrong. i'm just fucking stupid to vocalise everything in my mind. pris is just a fucking stupid assholic friend. i deserve no friends

and you know how sucky it is, when you've got work piled up to your head, and fucking troubles filling up your mind, and your parents are just too engrossed in working that they only know how to ask if you've done your revision for fucking tests and what you're going to do tml.
and YES, thats what i'm going through!! do you know!? how fucking irritating and sucky it can be. i dont have the life that i wish i can have.
i dont have parents whom i can discuss my problems with.
i don't have friends who are here on my beck and call.
and NO, i don't have genuine friends.
i'm not as fortunate as you think.
i'm determined to screw my own life and live a screwed life. fuck

ahhh fuck damnit, maybe i should just bury myself in work.

pain pain, come again.

give me a bottle. let me be drunk in my own world


you know you're having fun when everything else is secondary to whatever you're doing

water familiarisation course @ Poly Marina was rather ok la. haha. mainly just tried out rowing and the rest did some water confidence thingy, where they jumped into the sea. haha.

rushed down to ECP from SP. the class was at area F la. super super far la!! =x
not many were there, most had left, so ya. BBQed mostly stingray and sotong only. rest of the yummy food was koped by the other class. oh well.

lazy to blog!


drumsticks lined up. aug did that, lame shit

charcoal =.=

the melted/bent fork

organisers! desmond and ming =)





chongxiang being fed


daryl BOeY

daryl girlSeow

CANDY!! ((:

SHAN ((:


lovely effect from SEOW~


top row: Boey, CX, Seow, Aug
botttom row: Nova, Candy, Shan, Pris, Weiling

2 failed attempts to stick our feets in the guys' face. rawrs

I LOVE 1B22!!!!


the event management talk was quite cool today. reminds me of AOP last time. haha. SPOT is becoming more and more appealing to me, despite the many lost hours of mugging. guess we are much more united now.. or so i think

somehow i cnt wait to go for LTC. whitewater rafting. river crossing. jungle trekking. stuff which i may never get to try. but then again, i just don't like going for camps. yea. and yea, there's an added reason why i'm NOT very looking forward to this camp. Best partner, shan, candy knows why. oh well, i'll just go, and survive. I KNOW I CAN!! :D

HME trg tml! (: can meet SMs :D it just feels weird not having them beside me la. heh. and i want to go shopping after that? or maybe i should come home and mug. ha. but, i'm still looking forward to tml!! hahaa. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ but i'll be missing SPOT workshops tml lehhs. i think tml's workshop is gna be fun lor. oh wells.

one last thing before i go,

nth much to be happy about though. its just added responsibility. but i guess, to be able to be chosen, plus i was just a reserve, i should just grab my chance, appreciate it and do well. time management will be so much more crucial now!! JIA YOU PRIS!!!

p.s i feel like getting new piercings. the pain would be great!! after MSTs!! haha

it shouldn be this way

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

六月的雨 - 胡歌

一场雨 把我困在城里
六月的雨 就是无情的你
伴随着点点滴滴 涌进我心里
OH~我不相信 你不是故意的
OH~我不忍心 也不想背叛你
惟有默默等你 回心转意

我没有放弃 也不会离你而去
哪怕要分开 我依然等你
终会有一天 你会相信我
我爱你 一场雨 想念你
OH~ YE~ 你走后 什么都

爱着你 想念你 我爱你…
一场雨 把我困在城里
六月的雨 就是无情的你
伴随着点点滴滴 涌进我心里
OH~我不相信 你不是故意的
OH~我不忍心 也不想背叛你
惟有默默等你 回心转意

我没有放弃 也不会离你而去
哪怕要分开 我依然等你
终会有一天 你会相信我
我爱你 一场雨 想念你
OH~ YE~ 你走后 什么都

爱着你 想念你 我爱你…

credits to loser for sending me this song.
nice song.


pris should stop being over-reliant, like seriously

Awards ceremony earlier on. made more friends. expectations for us are like REAL high and all. PRIS, ITS TIME TO BUCK UP!! rawrs. and i realised that the parents are as anti-social as me. heh.
shopping at IMM with them after that. gonna head there soon for shopping. haha. things are rather cheaper there. or so i think

it kindda sucks knowing that nightmare won't be coming online, and that i cnt complain and whine to him. shucks. i nv knew i was so reliant on him. and loser too.

and did i mention that when D suddenly msged me yest, i got a shock and was surprised that D actually rmbs the presence of me and that i need this kind of msg to keep me going. i mean, i'm prolly just a passing friend in his life and he actually bothers, so what if its a mass-sent msg. i dont even bother, but he does. oh wells.
then i was thinking about the impressions i leave on people. if my friends will rmb me if we part our own ways in the future. oh wells.

time to do some work before i go to sleep.

only time will prove if liking him was a right choice

Monday, June 9, 2008


with a heel and a toe,
and a new friend found.

made new friends today. (:
it isn that difficult after all.
as long as i remove that big rock from my heart

rehearsal today was quite ok, apart from that !%&$&%$^#. yea. its the past. tml's a new day :D
awards ceremony tml. the parents are coming ! <3
and BIGBIG THANKS to Li Lin for msging me throughout today!! ((:
and i met up with candy and best partner for a short while jsut now!! happyhappy!! =)))
going to see SMs on wed night for BBQ and friday HME trg =DDD

next week will be camp.
i was thinking back, and realised that the very last training camp i went to as a campee, was ULP. and omg, its like more than 2 years back. gosh. i hate camps la. seriously. no parent to take care of me. :( somemore its outside s'pore. ahhh. even when i was in yunnan, i had dear!! i bet there won't be reception there. PRIS MUST STAY STRONG!!! haha..

what a random post.

one last thing before i go mug,
to the person, you know who you are, this thing is getting worse in case you dont notice it. we're even worse off than strangers. at least strangers smile back at me when i try to smile. and to think i'm going to see more of you for another half a year and more. thanks for the silence ya, it screws me up and i guess if itt makes you happy, go ahead. to think i thought we were friends, but i guess not. friends dont do this to friends. its not your fault, its mine. fuck.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

jumble sale

i've been thinking about something again.
something that i haven't been thinking for a very long time
oh wells, it doesn matter that much. all i know is that i do enjoy whatever is going on now and i don't want it to change because of those stupid thinking.

morning was spent with ah-ma and co. its ah-gong's 6th death anniversary and we were at yishun (haha girls) to 拜拜. i miss ah-gong terribly everytime i go there. it feels like yesterday when i lost him. there's a reason why i dont like going to 'visit" him, coz i will inevitably feel down after those visits. i guess its just me, not knowing how to treasure until they're gone.
lunch at ah-ma's hse. then sent lao-yi home. coz we were passing by hougang mall, then the parents decided to drop in. wanted to get formal wear but mummy was nagging abt how i'll only be wearingg it oncee andd its no use buying. rawrs. shall get them on my own, shall just put up with hers for now. went grocery shopping and then home! (:
woke up, check email, went to grandma's hse to meet relatives for dinner. dinner. chit-chat. home (:

andd omg.. sorry cy and yt. really unable to find time to meet up with you girls =x

there's rehearsal tml. damn. and i have to be in school before 12, coz i need to look for ms kim to try aqua shoe size. rawrs. SMs not studying tgt tml, means i'll be alone. :(
oh well, i'll be RICH after tues. haha. my moolah for laptop is coming in!! =P

i'm looking forward to night time everyday. coz its when nightmare will msg me, and his stupid msges nv fail to end my day with a smile :D


quiz again

i just dont feel like sleeping and mugging.
so i found another boring thing to do.

1. If someone betrayed your trust, what will your reaction be?
depending on who.
for mere friends, curse and swear and prolly never believe them again
for close friends, emo, then try to find out the reason why, and work something out and be friends again.

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To have many dreams

3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Never thought about it. maybe a wedding on the beach, it just feels so romantic. but not in s'pore

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Quite. I have no idea what life has installed for me.

5. What's your ideal lover like?
tall, smart, confident, knows how to pamper me.
Basically everything i'm not. LOL

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?
A mixture of both would be the best! (:

7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
Hmms, it'll not be called waiting for him to change their feelings. its called the transition period, where i get over him.
But, i may wait, depending.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Try to force myself to un-like him.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

10. What do you want most in life?
Someone to care for me.

11. What would you do, if u feel someone doesn't like you?
For someone i really treasure, find out the reason and try to save the friendship
For just anyone, distant myself

12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
SMs, dear, nightmare, loser, family, friends are all EQUALLY IMPORTANT

14. What kind of person do you think I am?
Who are you?

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
Married and poor

16. What are the 3 most important things in your life?
Friendship, Kinship and all that is needed for me to survive.

17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
Who wouldn

18. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
Doubt it'll ever happen

19. What type of friends do you like?
Those who are always here for me. Listen to me rant, lend me a shoulder when i cry, laugh and go crazy with me.
Are you?

20. If you played a prank on someone, and he/she fell for the trick, what would you do?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

guess what?

i somehow miss piano lessons now.
and i'm so not kidding.
i miss waking up on saturday mornings worrying about getting scolded.
i miss rushing to the busstop to catch the bus.
i miss crapping with her, getting scolded, getting nagged and the very few times i get praised.
i miss walking down slowly to dunman food center to get my weekly dose of duck rice.

i cnt believe myself for saying this, but YES. i miss piano lessons. withdrawal symptoms. i mean, after like almost 10 years with her, i have never taken as long a break as this, or rather, this isn a break anymroe, i have attachments to her one lor. oh wells, i'll find some time to run my fingers along the black and white keys. haha.


i think my family's weird. my uncle just suddenly called us all out for dinner. haha. but everyone wasn free so its postponed to tml!
then daddy had the urge to eat vegetarian food and we had vegetarian food for dinner. haha.
and daddy finished my BNJ Butter Pecan ice cream. damnit.

supposed to have some duty for some fund-raising concert tml, but somehow, emails got lost in cyberspace, and i didn receive the email regarding the briefing today, and so i missed the briefing and tml's duty is cancelled. oh wells, at least i'll have time for family, and mug! haha
andandand, i seriously think saturday mornings are meant for me to slack my fat ass off sia. i can never start work in the morning on saturdays. wth. i never fail to waste saturdays. rawrs.


mummy's chasing me to sleep, but i cnt sleep and i'll prolly do some maths before i go to sleep. haha.

and before i end,

hahahaha. imma happy girl! :D
cnt wait for him to book out, then i'll have stories to listen to!! heeeee XD


Friday, June 6, 2008

third post today. (:
tired alrd la, but i'm a little happy now.

lets see
shopping in town with dearest cousin just now.
we both have the same thinking can : to feel accomplished during a trip out specially for shopping, one must purchase something. haha.
so when 2 hours at far east turned out not fruitful, we had our dinner at subway and proceeded to shop at wisma.
left wisma with a pale gold GG<5 skirt, which cost me $18.90, down from $63!!:DDD haha. and also a green dress from cotton on!! ((:

presenting to you my loot over the past few days:

clockwise from bottom:
my GG<5skirt
my green dress
my quite-formal dress from tues
some cardi mummy got back for me.

andand what made me the happiest today is that
NIGHTMARE MSGED ME!!! (((((((((:
haha. it was so unexpected can!! =P
i miss his nonsense totally!! rawrs
i think i sound like his gf can!! haha but NO!!! i'm not. rawrs!! he's just my super bravo bigbigg kor!! haha

since i'm happy, i shall post pics
just 3.

BKQ's beautiful flag!! hand drawn, hand painted!!
i miss them alrd man. all those *censored* talk

my hand, painted light green for hand printing on our beautiful flag!! ((:

last but not least,

eli love and me! on the train home from bugis!! ((:


Eli tagged now
and since i'm bored.
i'm doing the stupid thing.

so here goes

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and replace it with your own.

1. What would you do if tomorrow's the end of the world?
Hmms. plead with him to meet him, then take a photo with him. then msg all my friends telling them i love them, then spend the last few moments with my family. i'm a greedy girl

2. What is the one thing you would change if you had a chance to go back into the past?
Exercise more, listen to mummy and jump more, so i wouldn be so short and fat now.

3. What's going to happen tomorrow?
Mugging, then dinner with the neighbours.

4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Yepps, but they remain inside me and only me.

5. When do you wish to die?
When i'm in my sleep one day. die peacefully

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Ehh not really. it just sounds so fairytale-y. and i've never seen/experienced it before.

7. What impossible things you would wish to do?

8. Do you believe in eternal love?
Not now. I'll tell you when i do.

9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?

10. Where is your favourite holiday destination?
Hmms. France.

11. Describe your other half?
I didn't know i was a whole and a half. Maybe you can describe for me.

12. What feelings do you hate the most?
Knowing you've been lied to.

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Of course!! :D

14. What're you looking forward to in the coming weeks?
SHOPPING!! after MSTs.

15. The most important thing in your life?
My brain.

16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Bestest friends

17. Do you find life meaningless?

18. Have you ever loved someone?
DUH. i love my parents eh.

19. List one thing that you're scared of.
Losing my friends and having to spend every single moment on my own.

20. What's your greatest wish?
To be able to have manymany wishes

21. What if one of your loves betrayed you?
Let him have a taste of it too. Haha. Cry, then cry, then cry, then get over it?

Tag 7 people, list them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their chatterbox that they've been tagged.
1. people
2. people
3. people
4. people
5. people
6. people
7. people
too lazy to think of anyone. do it if you want.

i just woke up not long ago.
and decided i was too lazy to continue revision.
so here i am.
going to watch 命中注定我爱你
then slack around
until its time to meet clara.
hohoho. i love my cousin man!

and i think mummy is like damn nice.
she helped me wipe my sleeping bag, when i'm supposed to do it
and she knew i'd be waking up late and bought me lunch.
and she kiap-ed a blue note there too!!
but i need formal, which is prolly gonna cost me a BOMB.

show time~

Thursday, June 5, 2008

BKQ (:


its was just a 2day1night camp.
you ppl'd miss me when i go for the LTC @ Perak right!?
first camp i survived w/o any close friends taking care/protecting me!! HEH XD

super lazy to talk abt the camp!
but i must say that
BKQ is meant to be Big King & Queen.
haha, its initial derived from another word, which meaning i shall not mention.
although we didn win anything, i think they made my camp much nicer. and memorable
BKQ yea yea yeayea YEA!! =D

and i saw shan and she made me HAPPY!!
and then, dear called me and i was even HAPPIER!!!
then nightmare replied my msg, i was OVER THE MOON!!!!


speaking of nightmare, i miss the nightmare laa!!
i cnt believe he enlisted alrd!! and will not be out till 2 weeks later!!
andand, i missed the ultimate chance to msg him.
coz i was too busy running around the school and i missed by 10 minutes. :(

i shall go enjoy, and survive LTC @ Perak
and make him proud!! haha
then i will be able to see him botak in his black too-small plastic specs!! ;D


studying at home in the morning before going to town for shopping with clara!!
cnt wait for tml!! ((:

or rather,
cnt wait for school to re-open and MSTs to be over!!
then i'll be FREEEEEEE. relatively

super tired.
shall chew on gummies and go to bed!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


this post is scheduled one ok.
before i packed my bag for camp.

NIGHTMARE is booking into camp tml.
and i am in school, at camp.

to ambrose-the-nightmare,
months ago i was still laughing and teasing you about those free hair-cuts you'll be getting. time passes really quickly and you're going into camp tml. if some other person is going to book in, i'll prolly feel nothing. BUT, you're nightmare lehhs.
its going to be weird not seeing you online at night. its going to be weird not having you to whine to. its going to be weird not having you to just random to. and pris will be a sadsad girl de. :(
BUT HEY!! go in there and have fun ok!! i rmb you saying you're excited to enlist!! don't worry about me! i know you won't, i'll be just fine!! rawrs.
hehheh! GO THERE AND ENJOYYY!! and tell me the stories when you come online ok!! ((:
take care nightmare!! ((:
pris will miss you loads! :D

loads of misses,

P.S you owe me chocolates still.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

absence makes a heart grow fonder

SMs are probably cycling through the night, having fun.
and here i am, typing this post and trying to make myself pack my bag and sleep early.
i really looked forward to night cycling, and yet its all spoiled coz there's camp early tml. damnit.
oh wells,

at least i touched chem today,
AND MET UP WITH YUEN!!! AND HAYDEN!!! and eli too!! :D
yeahyeahyeah. now yuen knows hayden, hayden knows yuen!! LOL
ermm, ya. we studied from abt 9+ to 1+, then lunched and crapped at MACs! haha.
hayden left and we gossiped more, while waiting for eli. then met eli, and
SHOPPING!! haha.

nothing really caught my eye. my standard is going up up and up. haha. and ermm, i'm so tempted by the cheap stuff at bugis street, but i nv dare to buy, coz i cnt try!! and pris, being fat, is scared she'll waste money!! haha.
so in the end, i bought a quite-formal dress, which now i quite regret, and stockings. eli bought me a pair of sandals for my super-belated birthday present. all 3 of us have the same sandals!! :D
walked ard more, pei yuen for dinner and home!! ((:

its a lovely day really. i miss yuen and eli like millions!!
and yuen, you were strong today. really. just want to tell you girl, no matter what happens, what decision you will come to make, pris will always support you ok!1 pris loves yuen!! ((:

its really time for me to pack my bag for CYA camp tml!! ((:
be back on thrus!! and ermm,


Monday, June 2, 2008

holidays no more

i wonder what i'm putting myself through
by accepting that scholarship
and going through all those activities.

it deprived me of my holidays. never mind
its going to deprive me of time spent with SMs. never mind
now, its going to deprive me of bonding time with my class during PTN.
damnit. like fucking hell man!!
i wonder why, for those school fees, and the good testimonial at the end, i'm putting myself through all these not very necessary problems. really. because of the prestige? because of the the testimonial for entry into university? i dunno because of what. seriously. i didn have to worry so much last time, and i didn expect myself to worry so much. the stress put on us is really heavy. i never had to worry so much about my results before.
someday, when everything becomes too stressed, i'll just drop. drop dead.


rawrs rawrs.
i just came home from shopping at PP with dear and kg.
but i didn manage to buy anything.

mugging at school with SMs was rather productive.
i re-did 4 chapters of maths.
much more than i'd have done at home.


♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:21 PM):
i need to get plain boyfriend shirt

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
ok i will get for you

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:22 PM):

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
your wish is my command

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:22 PM):
sound like a bf can
will you be mine?

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:22 PM):
im ur bf what
yes i wlil my Love

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么 says (11:23 PM):
i want you to be my boyfriend!!

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:23 PM):
sorrry i am a girl
do i look like a guy to you

♥PRIS (: 一直想问你的那些为什么says (11:24 PM):
joking la

*E(: // hello, goodbye. says (11:24 PM):
i know laa
so funnay
i like the last few lines of our convo

talking to eli can be really fun. her silliness and my lameness can really make me smile :D

meeting yuen in the morning for mugging, then eli will join us in the afternoon for shopping :DD
bigbigLOVE!! ((:

shall go do somemore maths before i sleep

普通的人- 陈伟联















Sunday, June 1, 2008

term break

before anything,
gosh, i haven't seen this girl in like a million years. and i miss her like loads.
and a long time since makan, makaned. haha


oh well,
its offically the end of term 1 of school.
and i officially announce that

thinking back at those stupid fears that i had before term started, i think i was stupid. seriously. maybe not. what being scared of being outcasted, being scared of not being able to cope. haha. i survived them! 7 WEEKS OF SCHOOL yo! :D

now let me recap,
out of 7 weeks, i only did less than one week of serious work. serious as in serious. yea. haha. ermm i slacked my time away? tutorials half-done and all. not paying attention in lessons, giving attitude to teachers, laughing like mad in class. i enjoyed my term more than i was stressed over it. haha. despite all those, this-course-is-not-going-to-be-easy-shit. haha.
seriously time to buck up for term 2!! coz thats when everything will go crazy, with CCAs and all coming in. =X

then, there's the superunited class of 1B22. i never expected the class to turn out in this manner, fun and all. it somehow brings me back to 2007. how the guys can mix totally well with the girls, how'd we have senseless quarrels. the birthday celebrations we have. unforgettable.

then, how could i forget my girls, SMs, a.k.a Siao MatureS!!! they seriously inject craziness into my school life, more than any of my friends have done. from the stupid lame cold jokes, to the imitation of teachers, to laughing at the guys, to quarreling with the guys. HAHAHA. i love them to bits and pieces. and also the times when we'd book a project room and start gossiping inside, or rather listen to me and evon talk abt K and PM. they give me support, haha, helping me in... only-they-know-what.
school would be much different w/o them, i guess. so much for those first impressions which proved us all wrong. =p
I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!! SMs forever!!!!

how i wish this term would spread its fun and all to term 2. really. i'm looking forward, thou, to PTN. haha. and of coz, shopping with the girls once MSTs are over!! ((:
i only wish for the days before 140508 to stay, those times, only they know what


time to bathe and return to Sample Preparation.

cnt wait for tml.
mugging @ school library! :D
PP with dear, and maybe kg after that!! =)
