Friday, August 29, 2008


for the first day of the holidays, waking up at 7.15am isn the best way to start the hols.
but it was all worth it!! ((:
i went back to TK! :DDDDD
saw the teachers, saw the juniors, saw the school.
i so miss them can.

went for lunch at dunman with erlina and CL ((:
16-ed down to Li Lin's hse to get card from her , then went to get my black pants.
homed, slacked, came to NN's hse.

there's like transit trg tml and sunday. SUNDAY lehhs. =x rawrs.
at least i have sucker to accompany me. hahahha. the thick-skinned sucker. hehheh.
at least sucker's nice. he knew i was :( and msged me throughout, thou he refused to letme slp. stupidstupid.

JL sales, but no motivation to go. desmond also no working alr =x

cnt wait for JC's prelims to be over, so i can meet them. (:


anws, i never mentioned any names, if you prefer to take it personally, then i cnt stop you. i never thought that i was such a person to you. i never liked showing my feelings, because i don't want to spoil any happy feelings. if you ain't happy about certain things about me, please tell me. i never said i wouldn change.
as open as you or anyone may seem, one has certain things that one prefers not to be vocal about. and thats where a blog comes into picture, at least for me. i have never taken things too personal, but i guess you took it personally, when i WAS NOT even referring to the same thing as you may think i was. if i created a misunderstanding, then i apologise.
thou however you interpret this is no longer in my control.
at least, thanks for reading, FRIEND.


i dunno dunno dunno dunno.
this doesn seem this.
could someone enlighten me!!? where are you when i need you ah!!?


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