Thursday, August 7, 2008


what am i still waiting for?

haha. after mugging for 2 days, its finally over!! wee~ i think i can pass la. hopefully. heh. temporary relief before i start chionging chem test on monday and report due wed. sianns.

i just suddenly got craving for arnold's chicken. kill me plss. rawrs. and i wanna go shopping. and i needa work!! no response lehhs. haha

did i mention that i can spend like hours reading those blogs about the xx vs dy issue. i think its so 'entertaining'. and its like you never know what those ppl are thinking, and how they manage to dig out and deduce so many things. haha if you're interested, here are the links.

[UPDATE @ 8.44PM]
holy. there goes 1 week of my term break. provided i get the slot. was recommended to go for this attachment thingy at SGH. maybe can do nightshift with the MO also lehhs. so cool~ praypraypray.
and i'm like so onto that xx-dy saga. damn cool siol. lets see, when i first started reading dy's blog, i thought she was prettier than xx and all. but after all these, i'm beginning to think that she ain't as angelic as i thought she was lehhs. with plastic surgery/plagarism and all, she's so like a plastic doll. no life and stuff. rawrs. ha. i'm going back to the xx-dy world!


what a random post.

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