Friday, August 29, 2008


for the first day of the holidays, waking up at 7.15am isn the best way to start the hols.
but it was all worth it!! ((:
i went back to TK! :DDDDD
saw the teachers, saw the juniors, saw the school.
i so miss them can.

went for lunch at dunman with erlina and CL ((:
16-ed down to Li Lin's hse to get card from her , then went to get my black pants.
homed, slacked, came to NN's hse.

there's like transit trg tml and sunday. SUNDAY lehhs. =x rawrs.
at least i have sucker to accompany me. hahahha. the thick-skinned sucker. hehheh.
at least sucker's nice. he knew i was :( and msged me throughout, thou he refused to letme slp. stupidstupid.

JL sales, but no motivation to go. desmond also no working alr =x

cnt wait for JC's prelims to be over, so i can meet them. (:


anws, i never mentioned any names, if you prefer to take it personally, then i cnt stop you. i never thought that i was such a person to you. i never liked showing my feelings, because i don't want to spoil any happy feelings. if you ain't happy about certain things about me, please tell me. i never said i wouldn change.
as open as you or anyone may seem, one has certain things that one prefers not to be vocal about. and thats where a blog comes into picture, at least for me. i have never taken things too personal, but i guess you took it personally, when i WAS NOT even referring to the same thing as you may think i was. if i created a misunderstanding, then i apologise.
thou however you interpret this is no longer in my control.
at least, thanks for reading, FRIEND.


i dunno dunno dunno dunno.
this doesn seem this.
could someone enlighten me!!? where are you when i need you ah!!?


Thursday, August 28, 2008

give me more

i suddenly feel like doing more mugging.
at least there's the sucker to keep me away from those thoughts. at least he's nicer than you and you and you.

i'm feeling disappointed.
i'm feeling fucked up.
i'm feeling everything i shouldn be feeling, post-exam.
i'm feeling like a big fat fucking loser, big time

i wish i could stop getting disappointed at plans not being carried out. its always going to happen, when the subject is them. like it ALWAYS happens. so, DONT make plans if you're fucking not going to keep to it. because there is NO POINT in making them in the first place. waste of time. learn how to prioritise. learn how to keep promises. not fucking chuck them aside. i hate it when things planned never get carried out, and you fucking inform last minute. arghs. fuck off la. give me a break. no use being so on anymore. its never going to be of use.

even the website doesn let me dl my songs.

fucking day.

so sorry if you feel insulted. really. i just feel so irritated by the repeated happening.

Monday, August 25, 2008


不想让你知道 - 周惠
























此刻的心情 谁能了解

不该想的事 再度想起

应该放弃的 却舍不得

只希望能够 再度拥抱

3 more days

so darn dead for bmic in the evening.
i slacked my fucking weekends away, like my exams are over. rawrs.

not feeling that well.
heading to the library to study with jx soon.

fucking duty starts 2nd sept, bloody hell, its sentosa lehhs! =x

and thanks to nightmare(:

Friday, August 22, 2008

6 more days

What Priscilla Ho Means
You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.
Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

somehow, although i didn want to run in the rain this morning, it felt real good.

after STs, when it rains, i'm going to walk in the rain. i love the way i can cry in the rain w/o other people knowing.
after STs, when someone is free, i'm going to drag the someone to accompany me to pierce my ears. i love the way the pain comes, because it'll feel like the pain inside isn't lonely.
after STs, when i can find someone, i'm going with the someone to the beach and scream. i love the way i can scream everything out because my heart wouldn feel so cooped.
after STs, when i can muster the courage, i am going to talk to you. i love the way i can continue to talk to you, because now, it sucks.

after STs, i'll think of more in 6 days time.
for now, i have no idea but the old issue is back, and i cnt help but think, and think and think again. i guess i was never, and will never be. maybe if you didn make me feel so last time, i wouldn be feeling so bad now.

i should just go study. darn.
and thanks to you, who always bother to reply my msg, no matter how late. thanks to you.

studystudystudystudy. studying with someone is damn funny la! at least i dont feel lonely. LOLS.
i am fat.

[UPDATE @11.30pm]

ahhh crap. i was reading that name thing in detail and the first thing that came to my mind was, what the fuck is this thing talking about. its all bullshit. i mean serious. tell me which part is true, ok, maybe a teeny weeny part.

i wanted to sleep just now, but just as i wanted to click the shut down button, i saw someone coming online, and it just spoiled my mood and now i dont want to sleep, although i've been saying i want to sleep since 11pm or so.

anws, i went to make my airport pass today. and i look totally FUGLY!! bloody hell ok. i look fucking fat and retarded in the photo. fugly pris. and it became worse coz i ran in the rain. wtf. i have to keep that pass for 1 yr. bloody hell. i so cnt wait to return it after 1 yr, coz it means my duties are over too! LOLS.

someone asked me not to be so vulgar. i'll try.
i am vulgar when i am pissed.
i am vulgar when i'm high
i am vulgar when i'm bloody emo like now.
aiya, i'm just vulgar la. only when there's someone constantly there to nag and stop me from being vulgar will i not be vulgar. since someone no longer cares and someone is no longer always here, i cannot hold my vulgarity back. but wth, its just fucks and milder words, i havent used the explosives. LOLS.
come to think of it, me being vulgar is more because of my temper. there's a reason why i USED to be called chillipadi. but i didn grow up in a vulgar environment. conversely, i grew up in a prim and proper environment. kns.

i forgot to msg someone just now. i wonder if the someone has booked out. rawrs. msg me and roar at me when you see this. so i can rawr back at you. it'll make me feel ahppy. LOLS

what a whole lot of bullshit. no one will read it la. gth.

anws, the many someones in this post may refer to different people. go figure.

i'll try to slp.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

after 5 practice papers,

after 5 practice papers,
i still faltered during STs.
its distinctiongame-over for maths.

must mug harder for bio papers
gogogo pris! (:

i miss mugging with dear :(

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ):


fucking depressed.

i so fucking want that fucking distinction for maths. why is my fucking brain not working!!! ): ): ): ): 3 papers and i still cnt do well. fuckfuckfuck


fucking depressed. =x


1 DOWN, 3 TO GO!

chem was ok i think, except for a few stupid mistakes here and there i guess.
and that fucking man behind me, who kept kicking my chair. kick ur ass la!

wanna smack maths too! (:

*for once i'm gging to say i love the lil brat. he cooked dinner for me yest, while i slacked. yay!*

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


mummy says i act hardworking only.
she bet that i'll slack after today.

I WON'T ok!! wa lao.
my scholarship at stake lehhs.
nv have i been so desperate for sky-high marks.except for O's. RAWRS.

i nv liked to comment on how long i've studied, coz it'll let ppl see how much i've studied, then they'll work harder, then they'll win me. :( haha. didn know right. i'm evilll and competitive, but right here, i've got no right, coz my results sucks like fuck. but i'm helpful one ok, ask me something i know and i'll tell you. heh. like i always help cx get full marks for online quiz. =.=

chem later. =/ loser gave up on my bo-ji-ness


anws, dear, STUDY!!!! rawrs. dont study i dont meet you. heh

Monday, August 18, 2008


HOLY MAMA. lols.

i mugged 5 straight hours earlier in the day. HAHA. i think ever since i stepped into poly, i've nv been able to mug that long, alone. haha.
i'm going to be a frequent visitor at the bedok library. LOLS.

finished 2 chem papers, going to work on my 3rd now.
and half a maths paper which made me tear my hair out! holy shit man. i cldn do the maths qtns man!! rawrs.

back to mugging.
good luck everyone! (:

Sunday, August 17, 2008

dumb ass

thats me. LOLS.
i'm random.

i saw a lizard in my kitchen yesterday night. with a container in my hand, i stared at it for 5 minutes. when it moved, i screamed, dropped the container, off-ed the lights and ran out. i didn dare tell my mum, coz she'd scold me stupid. LOLS.

even before my mum said that i'm stupid, nightmare did the honours. THANKS botak NIGHTMARE=.=

finally 120/120 for virology quiz. yayness! (:

haha. i figured out the codes myself, and my blog is now all black. yayyayness. ((:

time for chem. bloody hell.

i wanna beat the shit out of you. i wanna show you who's boss

Saturday, August 16, 2008





在这个宇宙 我是独一无二
不管怎样 怎样都会受伤
伤了又怎样 至少我很坚强


我要握住 一个最美的梦

一天一天 一天推翻一天

抛开过去 我想认真去追寻

不管怎样 怎样都会受伤
伤了又怎样 至少我很坚强

我要握住 一个最美的梦

不管怎样 怎样都会受伤
伤了又怎样 至少我很坚强





the singapore flyer (:

if i had to live over again, i'd still choose them

after chem re-test yest, went to the Singapore Flyer, waited for clara and co. to come, and off we went into the capsule.
we boarded the capsule at about 6.oopm. i was so praying we'd see the sunset, but nah, we didn. i really want to go again for the night view. anyone wants to sponsor me!? heh.
not many photos, coz daddy's cam spoilt. only a few with my phone.

the start

the middle

the end

i find this damn cool. it looks like real buildings right. its actually a model they placed atop the building. heh

i think the whole ride was rather ok only. can i say its not really worth the price. if not for the discount tickets, we got the tics at $10, i think i wouldn sit it. haha.
but the whole experience was rather nice. with the family, my closest. worth it. plus those funny moments.

and NN is so cuteeee! coz before we went into the cabin, they have this photo booth thing, where they took our photo, and the booth looked like the cabin itself. then NN asked, 为什么没有椅子坐的! haha. we were all laughing!! NN's so cute, she thought the photo booth was the actual cabin! ((: anw, the very first photo, the family shot, was taken using my phone's timer, coz we had the whole cabin to ourselves, no one to take for us!

went to the airport for swenson's dinner. GG's treat! (: walked t3 then home-d. came online, slept at 3am. LOL

was talking to CX online yest. i realised that actually, by talking to someone, it makes me think and keep in touch with my own feelings and sorts. it doesn happen often. maybe to CX, Li Lin, about there lor. haha.

today was spent ermm, sleeping, and doing virology test. tml must study chem alrd.

[UPDATE @ 12.02AM]
i wanted to sleep quite awhile ago, then my laptop has to hang and hang and hang over again, i've been waiting for stupid hotmail to load the file so i can send tthe pics to clara, and it hanged. wtbf. i'm going to sleep. i hate it now. shoo


Friday, August 15, 2008

get it out

if i miss school during the hols, its them who made me so

celebrated fanny's birthday yest. another house visit. will blog more when i get the photos. 5 surprises. yes 5! hahaha

there's stupid chem re-test later. i must do well for it la. although the max i can get is a pass mark. oh wells. the stupid rxns were going on and on in my head. darn.

dinner and study with eli love yest. and i saw lopez. HAHA. havent seen him for so long. he looked much better. eli said he's cute. LOLS.

back to CHEM=.=

flyer tonight! (:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

i see the morning glory

if only, the beauty of it all can surpass that of a morning glory

i apologise for the previous post. i was just so pissed. if dear ever sees that, i pray she doesn, i'll get scolding de. =x anws, i'm still pissed with that stupid system. i'll keep it to myself. LOLS

anws, i went to school today to collect my cellbio paper. i got a shock when they said there wasn lessons, but there was la. haha. got 34.5 for it. dunno if i should be happy. dr yuen says its an improvement, but i need to work very hard to get a B for overall, coz i failed a 10% before. sighs. but she says i'm not bad, coz i didn fail this CA and this CA is supposed to be more difficult than CA1, which i failed. LOLS. whatever. i'm going to work hard for it!! cnt let dr yuen down. =.=

then after lesson, went with shan, candy, cx, db to tiong bahru for lunch at SUBWAY. gosh. i miss subway. like i used to have it quite often, when i go with dear and study=x oh wells.we crapped like lots there, talk about this month. LOLS. yupps. had fun. so sad..... shanshan knows. LOLS. then went to buy my nail polish remover and lip balm. went to look for slippers for CX. we even walked into NTUC can. =.=

then came home, typed that super vulgar post, crapped, watched olympics. went to grandma's house to visit yeye and have dinner. came home, wanted to study, but got summoned here. and here i am, and now, i cnt slp and i have to wake up early to meet best partner to study. ahhaha.

end of report.



my report had 61% plagarism!!
what an ass man! and its all plagarised from other student's work!!
they expect us to read ppl's mind!!? know what they're gna write!?
eat shit la.
how much do they want us to change and all. its the SAME TOPIC for hell's sake. bloody fuckk.
61%. eat shit man. it'll just give me a FAIL! fuck ass.

damn pissed.
not to mention i failed my fucking chem test. and i had to fucking talk to the fucking asshole on the phone about a fucking re-test on friday. bloody hell.
not anyone's fault though. i didn study

damn pissed now

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

isolation of chloroplasts

look at the frigging time.
its 2.25am
and i am still SUPEER WIDE AWAKE!!
holy man!
i'm impressed by myself.

and i'm only at introduction.
good game.

[UPDATE @ 11:30am]

its 11.30am,
and i am only at discussions.
wth . i think i am damn bloody slow and i keep losing concentration. anymore reports in near future will see me losing all my hair =x
i didn plan to KO till i finished the whole damn report, but my internet KO-ed on me first at 3am. WTF!
so i went to rest for 4 hours. damn shiok.
not going to have my lunch until i finish the damn things.

[UPDATE @ 2.43PM]
finished main section and SUBMITTED!
so i'm left with the pre- and- main sections!!
lunch time!!
and i wanna knock out!
thou i know it'll not happen.
olympics too attractive.

[UPDATE @ 6.54PM]
going to sleep after dinner.
damn fucking tired.

Sunday, August 10, 2008



Hello my Love,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you're finally 18. you can finally watch M18 shows, drink and yea, you're older than me lehhs. haha.
through these 2 years, you're like maturing so much faster than me lehhs. its gonna be time that i'll be crying on your shoulders instead of you on me. through everything, i know you've emerged stronger than ever. yayyay.
hmms. i hope whatever you wished for came true. i know it includes me rightt. and i hope you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY.
you've been a really really great love. (((: this year w/o you just didn seem right. but you've really been by my side everytiime i'm down. and i hope i was too.
i hope there'll be manymany years for me to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. for me to think of presents to get for you. for me to book you for celebration. there will be, will there?
lalalahs. hey love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

you're loved,

Saturday, August 9, 2008



i slept my national day away. LOL. i woke up at 9.30, ate breakfast and napped from 11.30am to 2.00pm. then ate lunch, watched the basketball/volleyball olympics on tv, and ate durian for dinner and now i'm in front of my lappie, doing everything but my report. =.= darn. 1 day wasted. tml CONFIRM must revise chem and prac first. then try doing my report. LOL.

was reading dawn yang's blog just now and she was talking about s'poreans' bad habits e.g kiasu-ism e.t.c. and my first rxn was @#%^@%^. serious. i mean isn she herself a s'porean, though she claims she's of mixed heritage and whatever, don't she exhibit those "qualities" herself. speaking of that, i quote her:
*Complain kings & queens
Perhaps it's precisely because we Singaporeans
have it so good, that we start to tekan the small, insignificant things, just
for the sake of it.

come on, ISN SHE COMPLAINING NOW!!? like wth. like she complains. i'd take those complain as expressing our thoughts. and another one, quoted:

*The way we propose
I've heard horror stories of how some Singaporeans decide
to get married by asking "Want to sign up for a HDB flat?"
Very very scary.

HAHAHA. if one day her bf,when she gets one proposes to her this way, i'll laugh my ass off. HAHAHA.
honestly, if she cannot accept these s'porean traits, then dont live in s'pore la. if she lives here, then she has to accept these. LOLS.
how entertaining, yet stupid and infuriating.

enough of her.

oh yess! i'm meeting my eli love on MONDAY!! after school((: yayyayness. i miss her like nuts.

shall go back to dl-ing my songs, then ermm, try to start doing my report, which i think i won't coz i'll join daddy in watching basketball olympics. =.=


[UPDATE @ 11.05pm]

look at the skin of my windows media player. damn cute hor. LOL i rmb using this skin during work last time. heh. and naz was still asking me how i did it. LOLLOL.

as expected, i didn start on my report. eli's gna kill me. but arghs. i'll do it tml/monday. damn tired. so feel like sleeping. daddy gave up waiting for the basketball match. so maybe i'll try to sleep while playing the games in my phone. my bro dl-ed like pictionary and pool and a whole lot of crap inside. LOL.

and i have 45 new songs in my ipoddddd (((((((((((:


Friday, August 8, 2008

hello imaginary bf

i know they'll be here, now and forever

trial test in school today was ermm okok, could do. haha. then after school, went out with the girls, then came home, collected my book, to library to return my books, then to 37 for dinner with the neighbours. haha

anws, the neighbours think i've got a bf. like WTH. since when. haha. maybe if they find me one like him. hahaha. and i told jie abt him and when jie saw his photo, she said ' expected. you always like the desmond kind.' LOL.

and there's supposed to be a ballot for the attachment thing. i somehow hope i get it, though i'm quite scared. haha

i wanna talk to my eli love alrd.



rush hour II - cineleisure

i'm up at such an unearthly hour man (its 4.50am now). mummy woke me up to study coz i spend the whole night yesterday googling. LOL. going through maths formulaes now, there's timed trial later. hehheh.

today's 080808. but its like i don't feel anything. maybe i shouldn even go to sch, i so wanna join those jokers at sentosa!! :((( kns la. I MISS TWELVE million trillions lehhs.

i woke up when i dreamt of you

Thursday, August 7, 2008


what am i still waiting for?

haha. after mugging for 2 days, its finally over!! wee~ i think i can pass la. hopefully. heh. temporary relief before i start chionging chem test on monday and report due wed. sianns.

i just suddenly got craving for arnold's chicken. kill me plss. rawrs. and i wanna go shopping. and i needa work!! no response lehhs. haha

did i mention that i can spend like hours reading those blogs about the xx vs dy issue. i think its so 'entertaining'. and its like you never know what those ppl are thinking, and how they manage to dig out and deduce so many things. haha if you're interested, here are the links.

[UPDATE @ 8.44PM]
holy. there goes 1 week of my term break. provided i get the slot. was recommended to go for this attachment thingy at SGH. maybe can do nightshift with the MO also lehhs. so cool~ praypraypray.
and i'm like so onto that xx-dy saga. damn cool siol. lets see, when i first started reading dy's blog, i thought she was prettier than xx and all. but after all these, i'm beginning to think that she ain't as angelic as i thought she was lehhs. with plastic surgery/plagarism and all, she's so like a plastic doll. no life and stuff. rawrs. ha. i'm going back to the xx-dy world!


what a random post.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i hope everyday will be a happy day(:

changed phone with best partner. haha. so i'm using N73 now.
time to go back to cellbio~

Sunday, August 3, 2008

olive tree

if only life is as beautiful as these flowers

i woke up at 12pm today. after sleeping at 6am. how great. one whole weekend gone again. one weekend devoted to IDEAS. how smart of me. i should wake up my IDEAS and start studying man. bloody hell. pissed with myself. oh wells. on the other hand, i'm quite proud of my ppt. dont ask me why. i think its the best i've done, even better than OP! who cares about OP man.

and my bloody laptop is failing me time and again. first is the battery. then the internet, now, the usb ports refuse to read anything pluggged in. i cnt even use my mouse!! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL man! i cnt save my documents in my thumbdrive. ahhhh. fuckfuckfuck. damnit. damn pissed!! time to send this thing to to repair. or should i get a new one? i craving for a vaio!! hehheh.

on a lighter note, my cousins are real camwhorers. even worse than me man. they dragged me to camwhore just now. i just ain't in a condition to camwhore. i looked fugly man. and dinner was a waste of my precious money. the buffet spread wasn that good. oh wells, it always happens doesn it.

time for bed.

will it still be the same?

Saturday, August 2, 2008


the once-in-a-long-time meetups (:

whole morning/afternoon spent doing IDEAs ppt.
met up with makan in the evening. Marche! (: lovely company. hahaha. and LOUIS HAS A GF. lalalah. next outing will be like after their As, which is sososo long away.

jellybeans & gummies for the girls in school(:

how apt

Friday, August 1, 2008

the corner

ever felt that that life so bland when you're the only one in it

ask no more. i have absolutely no idea why this is happening. it just comes and goes, and gives no explanation. i don't mean to be, it's just that it occurs so naturally. know how much i miss the old times. as wide as the ocean can be. yet, turning back time is as impossible as the sun rising from the north. i'm sorry girls, i'll try not to be like this anymore.


i practically slacked through maths today. and guess what, my internet was working in school this morning, so i didn need to go to the service center. ha. lunched with the girls, then went to the library alone to do quiz 5 and slack awhile, then did IDEAs with CX and Fabian. had fun with them la. heh. school's a bore, yet tests are coming up. next week's so busy. 3 tests chem, cellbio, maths, 2 reports due PBL, RWP. still have presentation on monday. sighs. dread.

i think i'm going to be jobless during the holis. my neighbour said the old place wants at least 3 months commitment. sighs. crossing my fingers that it'll all work out man! i want the moolah!

tml's MAKAN!! (((((:

time for IDEAs =.=