Sunday, April 27, 2008

if everyday was yesterday, tml will be love.

it took me a fringing 4 hours to complete the 2 ugly things. rawrs. what a waste of time. luckily there was loser to cheer me on. if not, i think by now, i'll still be stuck there. heh. and he's helping me with my ppt. weeee~

i was talking to jie just now and she's having concert also!! rawrs.. tpjc's choir concert @ the esplanade. i feel obliged to go, coz she's my jie. and i know she's been practising hard for it. arghs. but i want someone to come with me. i don want to go alone. feels weird gging alone. asked HN and D. rawrs. hopefully one of them will be able to come with me laa!! =x

mummy just told me that benji korkor (my cousin) got a place in NUS/NTU's engineering. but he's not taking it i think. he's thinking of going to HOLLAND to upgrade on his diploma in aero. i dont want him to go!! coz it'll mean 1 less cousin to talk with. and i know nainai/yeye's gging to be sad and miss him!! rawrs.
i should work hard, and hopefully get a place in local uni. as much as i want to leave this stressful singapore, i don't want to leave my family here. plus, i ain't got rich parents to send me overseas sehhs. rawrs. its like all talk.

i shall go read my lab manual for tml.. then sleep. =D

i love my girls (:

my heart beats faster everytime you appear online.

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