Monday, April 21, 2008


[UPDATE @ 12:10AM]
survived a long day at school today. survived on the strength of D's msges. was in school till 8PM, but we managed to complete the ppt. GOOD JOB!!=D trained to clementi for dinner, then trained homme. tired.
tml's a short day. 2 hrs only. shiok! meeting the girls early for lunch at FC6!! CHICKEN RICE!! *beams*

i cnt wait to go shopping!! i wanna buy manymany shorts and tops!!! and i cnt wait to get my contacts!! =) and i cnt wait to look for D at work when he starts working!! XD

if there was 1 msg from D a day, i'll pass through all obstacles with a smile, no matter how hard it will be!

i woke up to a msg from D =))). and i practically breezed through everything i needed to do and was early in meeting the girls. =D i'mma hopping happy now, even though its been quite long since i received the msg. *beams*

i'm like freezing at the back of the classroom, stoning and not paying attention to the stupid anthony chau. arghs.. i want D's jacket!! =p

staying in school till late to complete BMIC project.. rawrs. at least lessons start at 1pm tml. late morning. =D

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