Wednesday, April 30, 2008

cut me short

self-contained emotions

i'm tiredd. and so i shall blog in point form. still no pics coz candy hasn't passed them to us!! =p

1. wake up late + spoilt heater + soiled breakfast + leg cramp + morning train rush = bad morning

2. chem lessons = boring + pissing. teacher sucks BIG TIME!

3. dr yuen's lessons. SLEEPY. trying hard to keep myself awake.

4. i ALMOST lost my devil keychain. dropped it. shan picked it up and didn return me until i realised it. careless pris. almost cried.

5. FC6 choc doughnut = (((((((: = HAPPY PRIS!!

6. CYA briefing + interview 1. quite ok!!

7. no date tml = self study = no study

8. itching for shopping!!


10. D may be free for jie's concert!! :D *beams, and pray hard*

maybe its time to be n

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


no one told me i was going to find you.

short one today

sch = boring
cca showcase = headache
dunno what to join. tempted by cmcc, string ensemble, dancesport.
have my reservations. shall think abt it again.

after school = TOTAL FUN!!
off we 3 goodies went to VIVO for BNJ FREE CONE DAYYYY!!! weeee~
we queued for about 20 mins before we managed to start licking our lovely ice cream!! weeee~
i love the company of both of them!! ((:

off i go to sleep!!

because i would not have knownn

Monday, April 28, 2008

things at its best at the worst.

...blahblahblah... after all the rushing of ZBrush yest, i didn present today!! !#%#$%$ whatever. I&OC was yet another bore. i felt like slapping the stupid teacher and the other class. they were simply pissing the ass out of me. damn f***ing noisy and all. and the teacher is just a stupid clown. irritating.. i decided that i'll just study chem and maths on my own. freaking lousy teachers i have!! pissed.

wu jia hui's concert was quite ok!! i love his songs!! i love his voice!! nicenice de!! but i was seated like at the front corner. rawrs. cnt see clearly. darn. and i dont have much photos also!! rawrs.. sadsad de.. but its nice!! my first concert~ =))

told YS lots of things during dinner. haha. i think.. .. ..

and i feel like slapping that poh also!! its random but ya. ask me solve maths for him. when i finally get the ans, he tells me i wants to slp alrd!! damn him.

i think my money's all going into food and concert tickets this month. i have been invited to tj band, tpj guitar, tpj choir. like all damn ex and all.. damnit.. and they're all at those high class places.. i'll consider. most likely i'll be going for band, coz 12/07 is going, choir maybe, provided D/HN goes with me. guitar.. highly impossible. rawrs.


i shall go slp. eyes hurt like shit. must be the headache caused by the divider!! **candy candy we know what**

sometimes you just manage to

Sunday, April 27, 2008

if everyday was yesterday, tml will be love.

it took me a fringing 4 hours to complete the 2 ugly things. rawrs. what a waste of time. luckily there was loser to cheer me on. if not, i think by now, i'll still be stuck there. heh. and he's helping me with my ppt. weeee~

i was talking to jie just now and she's having concert also!! rawrs.. tpjc's choir concert @ the esplanade. i feel obliged to go, coz she's my jie. and i know she's been practising hard for it. arghs. but i want someone to come with me. i don want to go alone. feels weird gging alone. asked HN and D. rawrs. hopefully one of them will be able to come with me laa!! =x

mummy just told me that benji korkor (my cousin) got a place in NUS/NTU's engineering. but he's not taking it i think. he's thinking of going to HOLLAND to upgrade on his diploma in aero. i dont want him to go!! coz it'll mean 1 less cousin to talk with. and i know nainai/yeye's gging to be sad and miss him!! rawrs.
i should work hard, and hopefully get a place in local uni. as much as i want to leave this stressful singapore, i don't want to leave my family here. plus, i ain't got rich parents to send me overseas sehhs. rawrs. its like all talk.

i shall go read my lab manual for tml.. then sleep. =D

i love my girls (:

my heart beats faster everytime you appear online.
the magic wears off when you open your eyes

shit. i'm supposed to be studying. but i think everyone can guess, i didn. rawrs. i broke my promise to D to work hard. :((
at least i finished dr sim's cellbio tutorial. i'm left with ZBrush due tml!! rawrs.
come to think of it. there isn much for me to do. i just need to read-up before lessons. LOL.
but still, i'm feeling guilty from slacking this whole week away. i need people to make me study! ahhh. PRIS NEEDS TO MUGGGG!!
i want my dear!! i want elilove. i want lilin. they'll make me muggg!! i miss them loads.

that aside, i had a wonderful night yesterday! =D
chatted with D ((: he nv fails to make me hyper, make me smile, make me motivated. and he's always giving me new insights about how this world goes. contented should be the word now. ((: then again, if only this could be everyday.
and i crapped with the nightmare too. ever so slow! muahha. he makes me laugh too. 1 less laughing pill after 5june. bleaghs.

just chatted with qi.
now is time for me to return to the world of ZBRUSH!!

you make me smile like i used to do.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

^^ I MUST STUDY TML!! yes! S.T.U.D.Y.

thanks D. you made my night(:
you cannot escape, you cannot hide.

daddy commented that i was lazy. as much as i want to deny the fact, i have to agree with it. i've been growing super lazy ever since school started. i just push the chores to my bro, make him buy dinner for me, make him collect the clothes for me. basically what used to be my chores went to him, leaving me with no chores. ha.

i dunno. i come home from school tired. not tired because of school. tired because of the journey. the long train rides just gives me too much time on my own for me to think about things, which puts me in no mood to do anything = laziness.

lets take today, supposedly be used for completing my tutorials and reading up for lessons next week. i used it to wander online, watch MZ, upload photos onto friendster. anything, but what i was supposed to do. i didn even collect the clothes. i was permanently stuck in my chair, in front of my lappie.

i guess this week's one very bad week. i just cnt settle myself down.

you dont understand the torment, boy
we live in too small a world.

i'm back with pictures!! haha

alrights, yest was yet another stoning day. 4 hrs of maths proved too much for me, and the rest of the class. haha. at one point of time, the class was mass convo-ing during lesson time. lols.
2 hrs lunch, spent at FC6! chicken rice!! and i saw dearr(:
cell bio prac was ok. microscope sucks though, eyes strained like siao.. haha.
thhe girls got so bored, that we started to take pictures.. openly. heh.

released quite early, with time to kill before meeting eyegang for dinner, i took bus 14 from school, wanting to go all the way to bedok before meeting them. the ride was super long can. it took me 50 min from SP to PLAZA SING. where i alighted and 16-ed to OKA, coz i was a lil running late. haha.
met up with jia lin and yao long, then with eli, fel, mama. we shared like wanton, carrot cake, fried oysters, rojak, char kway teow, mango & red tea jelly!! haha. and we each paid $3.80 for the whole dinner!! haha.. cheap and filling!! just love eating with them!! =DDD took photos!! ((: photos with yao long, should be getting them soon!! lovely company!!((:

oh yes, nightmare misses me!! haha. =p he went to OKA for dinner-cum-meeting coz i told him i'd be there!! =p
ok, i'm joking, i'll get killed by him la! he happened to be there,and rmbed that i mentioned that i'd be there, so he called me and i went to find him! hahaha. i thought he wanted to treat me, BUT in the end, he was the one asking me for a treat!! LOUSY!! haha. i would have treated him to desert, had he not called me aunty!! rawrs.. first ah-lian, now aunty. rawrs. haha.. oh wells, must make us of now to suan him, coz once 5june comes, i wont be able to. hahaha.

oh yess.. there's this wu jia hui school concert in SP on monday!! cnt wait for it lehhs. =DDD

from thrus.


NOVA! with the rest of the class in lab coats. haha
(notice augustin looking at the cam too!!)





and how could i forget the crazy girls!!


somethings are forever
some are just momentary

Thursday, April 24, 2008

because when the sun shines, you get light

ahh.. i finally have pictures to post. =D

..blahblah.. school as usual, was used for me to stone. yes, stone again. lols. maths as usual, was time to slack, cell bio, catch the train called sim guek eng, bmic, do online-open book-graded tutorial which we conveniently cheated coz some irritaing person was saying out the ans so loudly. lols. RWP was .... and HOME!!

and i'm like quite happy today, coz the fc 2-noodle stall-uncle called me xiao-mei-mei.. so means i still look young!! haha. lame shit.

and we made use of shan's webcam to take photos, while waiting for the forever-late mrs mark to come. haha. here you go!!

(clockwise) me, evon, shan, candy

candy, evon, augustin, me at the back. haha

crazy us. haha. unglam us!!

and presenting to you!!!

(clockwise) lynette, fanny, evon, shan, candy, me!

and these crazy girls keep me sane. haha. and we were wearing the same shirts!! haha!! =DDD

its like i'm going to school tml for only maths and cellbio prac. but i'll be in school like from 8-5.30. how crazy. 4 hours of maths. good game!! haha.

then after school, i'm meeting the dearest girls for dinner!! at old airport road!! weeee~ we're like finally going back there. lols. we were there less than a month ago!! yayyyy!! i cnt wait to meet them, coz suddenly i miss them like crazy nuts. haha.

that day!! ((:

oh yess.. i finally went to ocip's picture website to get photos with me inside. haha. not much, coz i didn bring my cam along.. haha.. shall post them up when i got the time.

even though that stupid nightmare is playing his mahjong while the poor me has to stay home, i shall keep a happy heart. tml's going to be better!!

and hopefully, D will rmb to msg me about his briefing so i can look for him then (:


because for everything, i will still smile in light and darkness.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

forbidden kingdom

the very person who can make my day, yet crash my day. D

supposed to catch forbidden kingdom with the class after school today. but i PS-ed them, mainly coz mummy didn want me to return home late again. but i wasn feeling exactly in the mood for movies too. =x sorry guys.

lessons were rather ok. except that the stupid chem teacher wasted my damn 2 hours again. his teaching sucks big time. rawrs. cell bio was scary, as usual, with dr yuen. she made every single one answer qtns. luckily i could answer. Had this briefing for HME after school. slacked ard moberly while waiting for lynette to collect her ezlink, then home.
i felt bad PS-ing shan. =x sorry shan!!! i didn mean to!! i really didn feel like....
and i was talking to candy about something on the train. it felt quite good, coz i kept that irritation inside me for quite a period of time alrd. felt good to be able to tell someone abt it! =D
alighted at kembangan, wanting to drop by grandma's before going home, but i ended up at TF, and left with black shorts in hand. lols.

slacked at home. fell asleep while watching teevee. seriously! i need to start my engine all over again. losing steam only after 1 week isn the best thing on earth. rawrs. if only... JIA YOU PRIS!! ((:

did i mention that when i came online when i reached home, i saw my 4 best male friends online!! haha.. and they were the only ones online.. haha.. nightmare, loser, YH, D. what a coincidence.

backtracking, my morning was a total blur. i shut my 3 alarms out and woke up a good half an hr late. and because i somehow felt that my phone vibrated the night before, i auto-waked up at 5+ to check my phone. i saw D's name, and i thought i was dreaming, so i went back to sleep. i wasn dreaming la, and the contents of the msg surprised me. i was thinking about it the whole day, and because of it, i didn want to go to the movies too.
and i think shan saw his name alrd. keep it to yourself shan!!

i seriously think i'm just a piece of crazy shit, like what nightmare said yest.
i need my sleep again. i cannot stuff anything inside my dying brain.

oh yes, happy 18th birthday, jitruimeaniesmellietoilet


darkness engulfs

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

buck up pris

the magic weared off. i no longer feel the hype. why did it go away so quickly.

i'm disappointed with myself. its already the 2nd day of the week and i haven't done any self-revision/self-study. i need to buck up seriously!! and i didn even listen to the lectures today. good job pris

the only thing that is happy today is that today is guo hui's birthday. and the class celebrated for him. we bought him 2 cakes. one small strawberry one who ended up in his face

the second one,

ended up in tummies (:

the birthday boy.

lols. he gives me this very familiar feeling. half of KY + half of jiaxiang. lols.
next up to get something in her face is yingshan. haha. i'm waiting for that day to come.

but for now, i need my sleep. and loser, you know what i need too!!
8am lesson tml. PLUS some compulsory briefing. not sure if the class's gging to the movies after that.

define happiness.
is faking happiness still counted as happiness?

Monday, April 21, 2008


[UPDATE @ 12:10AM]
survived a long day at school today. survived on the strength of D's msges. was in school till 8PM, but we managed to complete the ppt. GOOD JOB!!=D trained to clementi for dinner, then trained homme. tired.
tml's a short day. 2 hrs only. shiok! meeting the girls early for lunch at FC6!! CHICKEN RICE!! *beams*

i cnt wait to go shopping!! i wanna buy manymany shorts and tops!!! and i cnt wait to get my contacts!! =) and i cnt wait to look for D at work when he starts working!! XD

if there was 1 msg from D a day, i'll pass through all obstacles with a smile, no matter how hard it will be!

i woke up to a msg from D =))). and i practically breezed through everything i needed to do and was early in meeting the girls. =D i'mma hopping happy now, even though its been quite long since i received the msg. *beams*

i'm like freezing at the back of the classroom, stoning and not paying attention to the stupid anthony chau. arghs.. i want D's jacket!! =p

staying in school till late to complete BMIC project.. rawrs. at least lessons start at 1pm tml. late morning. =D

Sunday, April 20, 2008


[UPDATE @11:35PM]

i'm supposed to be sleeping at this time, but i cnt sleep. i haven't read up on my practical manual for tml. gosh. at practical starts at 9 tml. morning train rush. damn.

i just came home not long ago after spending more than half a day with dear. =D lunched & mugged with her at SingPost subway! *beams* managed to complete maths tutorial 3 & part of 4 in advance. and i read through the remaining of nucleic acids. wandered in TF and CP, went to dear's home to wait for her to change shoes, and we 28-ed to BEDOK RESERVOIR. dear ran, while i strolled along the path, mind running. just had the urge and i ran all the way back from where i was. felt damn good. gee. waited for dear, walked to blk 85 for dinner. porridge, fried oysters, tang yuan for dinner. bloated, we walked back to interchange. and here i am, HOME!

changed my blogskin, coz the previous one was giving me problems. heh. and i've been looking for this for like a million years!! and i finally find it when i dont want it. lols.

oh yes, i'm confirmed going for jia lin's chamber concert!! can see my girls!! <3
nice day today. ended off nicely too. ((: i'll smile to sleep tonight!!
and thanks nightmare for ermm entertaining me just now! i'm going to miss him when he enlists =D

brand new day tml! (:

loves all~

i know i was supposed to go jog with dear today.. but it didn happen.. haha.. coz i couldn wake up and dear cldn sleep. =x and so our plan to have breakfast went down the drain too. haha. nvm, i'm meeting her to study later. i think...

parents are working today, bro's at grandma's hse. i'm home alone again. hate spending sundays alone at home.. there's just nothing to do except study, play the piano and doing chores. i rather have the parents at home and disturb me heh.

shall go bury myself in my books while waiting for dear to wake up and meet her to mug.

Saturday, April 19, 2008



[UPDATE @ 11.08pm]
i just completed my I&OC tutorial 2. i doubt my ability to get 100% because i really forgot like the bulk of it. i seriously need to buck up.
was out for dinner with the neighbours and then to courts with parents to look for washing machine. lols. and i finally met up with jie again. =))

morning jog, breakfast, study with dear tml. cnt wait. i shall force dear to become a mugger too!! hee.
gotta slp now so i can wake up to meet dear tml!!


finally back to blogger. got too persuaded by the crazy girls to use blogger. haha. but i will still use my wordpress. its going to be more private there. haha.

i'm supposed to be doing my tutorials and reading up on my notes, but i couldn concentrate at all la. i finished my maths tutorial, then i started wandering arounnd, doing nothing. play piano, play a few notes, then stop, turn another song, play a few notes, stop playing. haha. =x shall cont with mugging later. dinner with the neighbours tonight. =p

and as i'm typing this post, D's taking his english test for NAFA admissions. hopefully he will do well for it and the rest of the tests earlier in the morning. i'll be like super happy if he can get in!! =D