Tuesday, September 30, 2008

new timetable

click to enlarge

i seriously don't like my new timetable ok. i think its so crap. lets see.
mondays are relatively ok, at least it starts at 10am the only day that starts late weekly, ends at 3pm
tuesdays start at 8am, and ends at 5pm. and it means that i cnt cont with tues duty. RAWRS. sadddddd! :( and on alternate tues, we have 4 hours break. absolutely insane!
wednesdays are rather similar to the previous sem, 8am - 12pm
thursdays start alternately at 8am/9am, and ends at 5. sians man.
fridays are alternatively 8am - 12pm / 11am-12pm. quite crap to go to school for 1 hr only la!

actually its quite ok, except for the long breaks and the fact that i have to change my duty day!! yucksyucksyucks!! i love tuesdays man. why do i have to change it.
that aside, sucker and i are thinking of changing duty days to mondays, hopefully there's ppl who can change lor

i roughly saw the timetable before i went to meet dear, and i was quite sad and complaining to loser. i dont want to change duty day!. LOLS
but i had a nice time with dear yay! i love dear!


mummy's complaining that i do nothing at home, she'd rather me go waste my time at SGH, like during attachment. rawrs. and she claims that me, slacking at home, makes me sleep late (record of 4am), wake up late (record of 12pm), take afternoon naps and the cycle repeats. she nags that im gging to suffer from lag when sch reopens. so stupid.
and so, i quite packed my remaining holiday days, so i will be tired and sleep early, and wake up early. LOLS

today - TeoHeng with dear (:
wed - collect contacts with daddymummy (((:
thrus - CY's b'day celebration?
fri - NYAA thingy =/
sat - meet up with girls
sun - REST!

next wk: in no order
cut hair, trim eyebrows with dear ((:
cheap thrill at bugis / K with eyegang (prolly tues)
meet up with kimkim, qiqi, dear, Li Lin (prolly wkends)
pack my wardrobe

so much things to do~ LOLS. andand it means that i won't be able to do what i promised mummy to do, shucks.
andand it means that i'm going to spend like no tomorrow. i've alrd decided to spend the miserable 100bucks i saved during the last few weeks of the previous sem. and i'll start saving AGAIN when sch reopens. LOLS.
andand i'm just wondering when my duty allowance is coming in. 2 more duties then i've officially done 2 mths of duty, which is like 80bucks! its ALOT ok. then i can pay zhiyu & loser. rawrs.

and oh damnit, i really miss attachment i tell you. like MEGAmisses

i wanna go to SGH for ITP. lols. its like still damn far away though.

shall go prepare to meet dear.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


got this mail from yuen.

Read Slowly...

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or
Saying nothing and wishing
you had?

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to
say.Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them.
If you do, they might
break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs.

Have u ever
decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you
already had with that person?

Your heart decides whom it likes and whom
it doesn't.
You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its
own........when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.

Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that
other person was too afraid to let you ?

Too many of us stay walled up
because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does
not care as much, or even at all.

Have you ever denied your feelings for
someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?

We tell
lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we
don't know, afraid of what
others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.
But every time
we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger .

Life is all about
risks and it requires you to jump.

Don't be a person who has to look
back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.

* What
would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye?

*What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be

*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you
never got to tell them how you felt? ( even if it is that you don't care
*What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you
couldn't have them?
*What would you do if you never got the chance to say I
am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?*

live, but people die. I want to tell you that
you are a friend.

you died tomorrow (God Forbid)
you would be in my heart.
Would I be in

reading and agreeing with this is one matter.
but really doing it is another.

and me, for one, will never have the guts to do it.
and will regret, FOREVER.

hurts, but what can i do?
its not something that is as easily done than said.

sucks outright.

the good and old M.s

the good old memories, just sitting and chatting.
lovely day with dear, pz, cl. (:

i love dear muchos.
think i'm gging to meet her again tmltues de! (:
and i can collect my contacts too i think! ((:

lil brat's got me addicted to rubic's cube LOLS.

Friday, September 26, 2008


笨的可以 - 郭采潔

听你开心说着 你的事情
我有一种莫名 心跳反应
夜深人静时候 突然想到你
没有原因 没有逻辑 谁能说明

总以为 我们是 地球的南北两极
直到 分开旅行 我才明白

是我笨得可以 我们早就相遇
我说服我自己 这一切只是友情
是你让我相信 两颗心没有距离
我才发现 原来我爱着你

总是爱捉弄我 寻我开心
从来没有想过 会喜欢你
也许爱情就是 没什么道理
缘分来临 措手不及谁看得清

总以为 我们是 地球的南北两极
直到分开旅行 我才明白
有好多的话 想说给你听

是我笨的可以 我们早就相遇
我说服我自己 这一切只是友情
是你让我相信 两颗心没有距离
我才发现 原来我爱着你

是我笨的可以 没看穿你的心
还以为这只是 爱情无聊的恶作剧
是我笨的可以 我终于面对自己
勇敢证明 我是真的爱你


if only.. rawrs.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


# i dunno why i acted like mommyan auntie just now.
i suddenly remembered that candy said that she received the result slip alr, so i wore my ugly house clothes, hair messy, and went down to open the mailbox. this is something only mommyan auntie would do la. rawrs. hahaha.
but i still don't know how i fared in comparison in a cohort. sians.

# wp's finally working for me and i got another great stone off. new pw, ask me for it.

# i was watching that super matron show yest, and i'm so glad i've got mommy at home, at least my home will never be like those homes. oh wells~ daddy was laughing at me la family joke

# new playlist by 郭采潔. her songs are rather nice. another song, 笨的可以 is nice too. but its not in her album this time, should be in the OST of 无敌珊宝妹. (:

# i'm meeting CL and dear on sunday. i bet mommy's gna kill me for going out again. i'll try not to spend.

# oh and i applied for diploma plus, though i'm STILL not sure if i really want it. at least i can reject it at a later date, that is, if the application is SUCCESSFUL

# i'll have a new pair of sandals tml! (:

off to re-write my notes for duty.


oh ya, i'v been having this periodical pounding pain at the back of my head for a few days alr. damnit. its been spoiling my mood. and coz i was napping before duty, i screamed in the phone at mommy. i swear she's ultra pissed with me now ok, coz apparently she called my hp, and i thought it was the alarm, then somehow, i pressed the ans button or something, and my bro said he heard her hellohello many times. bloody hell. oh wells.

oh ya, runwayrhapsody updated the blogshop with 3 more new apparel sprees. rawrs. its going to get me tempted again. and loser's going to suffer! haha. from helping me transfer money. because for everything there's loser aye

oh ya, someone made my precious duty notes into kiam chye man. RAWRS. bloody hell

oh ya, i wanna make a trip down to kembangan to get my leggings. LOLs LOLS
i better go sleep alr.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


watch mama mia with shan and candy today. the movie's not bad, feels more like a musical though. but its super funny :DDD
lunched at pizza hut. lots of laughter. (((:

looked for clara at far east after that, walked awhile then sent her home! (: she's helping me get a pair of sandals, coz she's got like 20% discount! ((:


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

nigh time

strength through adversity

lots of thoughts going through my head.
going through so much ever since, has made me very worn out. sometimes i just feel like cooping myself at home, lesser interpersonal interaction would mean i need not to care and bother so much about things.
but yet, cooping myself would mean repeated thinking of those same old things.


had a great afternoon laughing with eyegang today. there're like bigbig loves!! (:
bought my lip butter. *heartache*
stressed during 6pm-10pm. for the first time. rawrs. someone's like so fucked up. seriously. damn pissed man. luckily there was sucker thou!

meeting shan and co. tml for movie and lunch.
then to far east to be a nice cousin, and accompany clara home (:

high time i start all over again

Monday, September 22, 2008


yay!!! (((: i finally bought my clothes online! thanks zhiyu! thanks loser! :DDD

i like the colour and print of this tank top!! a lil vintage like that! wee~

i think the embroidery below is super cute can, and the top there is crochet somemore! (: and its on sale or something, if i'm not wrong, including shipping and everything, its only S$6.40. haha.
we cnt order this :( the person said it was only for locals, as in taiwan ppl i think, to bid. no wonder it looked so cheap. rawrs

i dont really have blue tops, so i bought blue lor! (:

i think i'm like gging broke soon. i dunno why, i lost my lip gloss. damnit. now i need get a new one :( shall get the lip butter from body shop. dear says its good. (:


i didn plan to wake up early today de ok. but this stupid bird had to wake me up! serious lor. coz my mum closed my window last night, then this morning, this really stupid bird flew through my living room window, into my house, and into my room. and since my window was closed, it couldn fly out right! then it started pecking at my window and making fucking lot of noise ok! damnit ok. but luckily it didn come peck him, or i'd kill it. so i woke up and wanted to open the window for it. before i could even do that, the damn bird flew out of my room and out of my house via the living room window!! like WTF. damnit lor. stupid bird!!
and nvm, that fucking bird even SHIT on my wall ok! wake me up nvm lor, still SHIT on my wall. go and die lor that bird. RAWRS!!
and i told mummy not to close my window next time, and i'm gging to lock the grilles so no more stupid bird can come into my house. spoiler bird.

i'm still thinking if i should meet dear, cl and mai tml. coz i cnt find anyone to take over my duty tml. and i'm scared i'll be late lor. and i still need to buy my gloss. :(
plus tml's duty is with traven again. and i can have break with sucker. LOLS. howhowhow?

howhowhow? take or not? diploma plus? i'm afraid i cnt cope, but its gging to be damn good if i cope well. i totally forgot abt my scholarship stuff la. HOW!?


Sunday, September 21, 2008

listening ear




thanks to those who always lend me a listening ear. (:

should i? should i not?
diploma plus in business?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

early nights

i was asleep by 10pm yest. LOLS. first time sia


today i have to iron the clothes, and there's family dinner tonight.
tml, i'll have to go to the temple for some ritual, then meeting (:
tues, i'll have to beg haziq to replace me for duty so i can go out with DEAR and CL and MAI.
friday, i'll visit clara at her attachment place.
saturday, i'll have to replace haziq for duty.


oh and i'm buying this tank top from online tgt with zhiyu, but can someone tell me which colour i should buy?



and loser's helping me buy this and i'm going to pay him back when sch reopens. HOORAY LOSER! (:

and again, what colour?

there's seriously alot that i wanna buy, but its like so 不舍得买. i mean, everytime i think of the money spent, my heart will ache. not like i've got rich parents or lots of savings for myself. my savings are all in my acct, which i cnt even touch. sians! where's my rich guy!?

bahaha. i just earned $22.40. hahaha.
just by ... ... ... ... ...

helping daddy buy rafia string, following him to some place to sell the newspaper!!
rawrs!! (:

back to watching 无敌珊宝妹


i shall try.. thanks shan, thanks Li Lin (:


Thursday, September 18, 2008

itching for more


cab fee : $4.70
lunch at jacks place : $9.00
two-piece formal : $12.60
candy stripped hooded mini : $16.10

leftover of holiday allowance : $10.00

time spent with DEAR : PRICELESS

love love dearest DEAR lots :DDDD

[update at 1.28am]
i still feel so awake. rawrs. supposed to wake up early tml la, have to make a trip to tj to pass miss koh some stuff, so she can refund me my yunnan fee. LOLS. maybe online shopping does wonders. i'm itching for more shopping.
and somehow, i think the world is a small place, how people can be linked and linked and linked so that it links back to the same person. LOLS.
shall go read my book! NIGHTS!

even if i walk away, it wouldn matter to you


i baked for almost 7 hours with jie yest.
another sniff of the dough would have made me puke everything i ate.

going to be late meeting dearest DEAR (:

should be meeting eyegang after their prelims tml! (:

before i go,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

shoot even higher II

lets evaluate:

MS2103 - A (:
i WAS aiming for distinction, but after doing the paper, i was just hoping for an A. and so i got it. :D

LC0203 - Dist :DDD
i wasn't expecting a dist. HOORAY! XD

CP 2007 - B+ =
given the amount of time and effort i put into BMIC, i'd had expected at least an A-? i guess i was pulled down quite abit by my practical =x

CP 4006 - B+ ))))):
chem. CHEM LEHHS. supposedly one of my best subjects. sighs. where's my A sia. :((( MAJOR disappointment.

SP0202 - B+
no comments. i really know nothing about this. sians.

CP 2037 - C+ )):
given that i once failed 10%, and was sick/blanked out during the paper, i gotta be thankful i still got a C+. but then again, C+, how ugly =X

i cnt say that i'm not happy, but not exceptionally glad. nightmare says i'm pro to get 3.4 even though i've got a C+. oh wells. i'll definately work harder next sem. hcsdemotogannawi. (:


off to meet jie for baking!
and i'm meeting dearest DEAR again tml!! (((:

shoot even higher

Singapore Polytechnic 2008/2009 S1 Examination Results

Student ID: *******

Module Code - Credit Unit - Grade
MS2103 - 4 - A
LC0203 - 2 - DIST
CP2007 - 5 - B+
CP4006 - 5 - B+
SP0202 - 2 - B+
CP2037 - 5 - C+



comments tml

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

it all lies in there

in 24 hours, my fate is sealed.

if i can continue roaring towards my dream
or if my world and dream will crash.

nothing less,
GPA 3.0 pls

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


i'm having post-attachment withdrawal symptoms.
i woke up at 6am. when i slept at 1am
i so miss going to NHC now. damn.

and i finished my reflections alr! ((:
no more procrastination!!
i am going to work really really really hard, starting next sem
i reallyy really really mean it.
i am so so so so determined to try medical school after diploma.
serious ok! LOLS.

going to read my books now.
cnt wait for tml! DEAR! <3
cnt wait for next week, meet kim and Li Lin? shopping with clara?

movie with daddy and mummy tonight.

Friday, September 12, 2008

the three one

if there is going to be one thing that i will never regret joining,
it'd be the 5 days attachment to NHC.
i learned ever so much. experienced ever so much.
Angioplasty. treadmill. echogram. CT-aided biopsy. blood-drawing. rounds. paperwork.

if there is one thing that i'm going to miss,
its going to be the journey before and after official time.
such a routine, yet now broken.
the traffic light. the walkway. the pathology centre. block 8. the linkway. the zebra crossing. the carpark. the corridor. the waffle smell. the lift. my locker.

if there's one person i will miss and thank
she is none other than my MO-in charge - DR YEO YI WEI!!!!!
101% worth the time, the tears i shed cause i do miss her so.
ECGs. ST elevation. T-inversion. Axis deviation. Warfarine. Risk factors. TVD. Cath. IHD. Metal valve. Patient observation. Social overstayer. NSR. VT. Resus dog. Discharge summary. The unique Hello. the YO. the yepyep. and ever so many more.
TCU soon?
i guess nothing can describe the attachment i have to her. because it's just so special. just within 5 days. tears fall thinking of the 5 days. just,

THANK YOU DR YEO!! miss you so! ((:

if only i could have 1 more week

Saturday, September 6, 2008

pills and syrups

teardrops on my guitar - taylor swift

Drew looks at me,
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I'm needing
Everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful,
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without

Drew talks to me,
I laugh cause it's so damn funny
Then I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love,
He's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me,
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes,
So perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She'd better hold him tight,
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone,
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

'Cuz He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up,
But there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into.

Drew looks at me,
I fake a smile so he won't see


still coughing and sick after a week of medication =x
remind me never to see a doc again.

duty was (:
sucker's :D

next week come quick!!

the reason why

Monday, September 1, 2008

stop clock

everything in its time

maybe its high time to cool things.
i hav no idea how to go on.

suspended - 1/9/08