Sunday, April 26, 2009

take me somewhere we can be alone


chui. what a fucking day. screw everyone

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryun

Desmond told me something which made me think and agree. He said: "but its going to be tiring after sometime". So i shall be a good girl and stop being a bitch to people i don't like. heh. try me! :DDD

on another hand, i need someone to enlighten me about the procedures to apply for my abcdefg. i really want to get it!!

on another another hand, i'm surprised at how come people, we call seniors, having gone through a minimum of 12 years of education, cannot tell the difference between an mc and family matters. either they've got no brains, or they're plain death. lalalah. though i think its retribution for my cursing and now i've got the terminator.. BOOOOs.


BYEBYEBYEBYEBYE. i don't know why i'm so high. its not arthurliancs

Friday, April 24, 2009

back.. to death zone

Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
-Earl Nightingale

i love life, but why doesn life love me?

i have no idea what the fuss is about. it is just one miserable day and i have to go through the turmoil of having to see a teacher. i fucking hate to see teachers for things. i may not have been fiercely hardworking and loyal, but at least i am regular and i do whatever i have to do, don't i?
how i wish august '09 will come quick and i'll be freed. screw you cca.

on another note, the lesson later will end the first week of school. honestly, give me a choice and i'd choose to flee back to med tech, to the world of 2B22. Class fun or Interest. i'd choose the latter in this situation. things are just weird when there's only 3 of us instead of 6. no more shan. no more evon. no more lynette. no more buddy. no more seow. no more kiddo. never has lessons felt so grossed out before. no one puts in the effort, so why should i? wrong concept but this world is this selfish. so, hate it all you want, because i hate it too. screwed

all i want is for this sem to end fast. lightning fast.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

livejournal is being a bitch. i cannot go to my lovely blogshops so i can get something for clara!!

i got a very rude shock when i saw the modules i'll be suffering through, starting tml.
i think i'm going to dread school.

the only consolation is that my sillyeli promised to meet me once a week for dinner on tues/thrus.
pray this sem passes like lightning so sem 2 will come! i'm looking forward to sem 2!! ((:

going to bathe and go for lunch/dinner with daddy and bro at the airport before duty

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hearts will break - yet brokenly, live on.

just be happy boppy sheep. hee.

forgive and forget, it shall be.
the world will be better without you though.

because i know that if i love you,
i have to let you go.

-17 again

Thursday, April 16, 2009

you go forth and back and forth and back

i'm really tired of all those stupid shit.
you know, if you don't plan to involve yourself constructively, then keep your sarcastic crap shit to yourself please and thank you. i don't need you to say stupid things which is freaking obvious.

sometimes, i just wonder why i'm in this shit. like seriously. i hate this kind of things, but i somehow have to get myself into this kind of shit time and time again.

i'm somehow quite glad school is reopening soon.

and i really love my buddies!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

if nothing, everything

sometimes fate really makes fun of you.

why, of all times, that day

Saturday, April 11, 2009

because you are my moonlight


pris is a happy girl today. i had millions of fun with the buddies today!! (:
met them at expo, went to find mummy to get her to buy my younghearts and this lovely top. then to subway for pre-dinner and bridge. trained off to tampines 1 (again) for dinner at secret recipe! THANKS SATHISH FOR THE TREAT!! and i swear the cheesecake at secret recipe is the bbomb!! we ordered 2 pieces lo!! hahahha. love eating with them. walked around tampines 1 (again), went to NET(: and the guys got fcuking awesome tees!! walked around and went back to NET(: again, to get a tee for myself THANKS SATHISH AGAIN!! (((: roamed around tampines mall, arcade then home.

I forsee myself hanging around tampines 1 very often because its my sillyeli's territory, i love cheesecake, and someone shuai is there in some shop. HAHAHA.

and really, I LOVE MY BUDDIES!! seow, sathish, cx!! they nv fail to make every outing memorable and happy!! omgosh!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE FUNNN!! (((:

now i shall carry my high-ness to tml, flea market with sillyeli, then to mdc!!


pris is super excited!!

because its going to rain, and i won't need to go jogging with buddies. hahaha. but i wanna meet them lehhs.

because tml, I WILL BE GGING TO MDC!! to watch CSS3 LIVE! :DDDD woohoo~
thanks evon best partner!! <3>

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

and i fall head over heels over you again

i'm sort of screwed for the finger prick assessment. couldn't squeeze any blood out of sathish. BOO.

but who cares, i had fun today.
had subway lunch and raced daytona before going for the assessment.
followed by walking around JP and train-bouncing to Joo Koon to pass time.

came home with black bangle, hair clip, lip gloss.
i needa start saving. i still have so many wants. thatcottonontopmaybellinesmudgeproofeyelinerflatsleatherbagclutch
moreandmoreclothes. boohoo. can someone sponsor me?
not to mention the many outings coming up.

thrus: Tampines One with seow and sathish + dinner with makan gang
friday: back to esplanade + probable drinking with alec and co.
sunday: shopping with silly eli
n. tues: K with haoning
n. thrus: 22's day out
i still need to arrange a day to treat dearest dear, coz i have not met her since holidays started and i owe her a treat. and also kimkim's birthday outing.


ok, i officially need more books to occupy me.


Monday, April 6, 2009

it's surprising how things come and go

i cleaned my room.
i painted my toenails a midnight blue.
i changed my blogskin.

i miss you.
i miss internship.
i miss esplanade.

i want time.
i want heels.
i want that lace dress.
i want waterproof eyeliner.
i want leather bag.
i want shopping.
i want money.
i want internship.
i want a pass for the assessment.

time flies.
2 weeks. not long enough to enjoy to the max.
2 weeks. not short enough to forge new bonds.
2 weeks. just 2 weeks. nice classmates please.

can someone tell me.
if i should carry on and apply for usher at the esplanade?

time to fly~