Friday, February 20, 2009

march will you come quick

if only i could be as sweet as that sweet.

screwed big time
I NEED A SHOPPING SPREE!!! like super big time!!
those kind where i use my NETs card like nobody's business you know.
f*ck those thoughts where my mom will kill me. f*ck those thoughts about spending my precious savings. JUST GET ME SOMEONE TO GO WITH ME!! arghs. not like online shop browsing is helping much, coz mostly, my nosey mom is peeping and giving stupid comments. wth.
its not that i have the money, or need more clothes. its more of a WANT!! to release those f*cking emotions inside me. those f*cking bottled up emotions which i have not been able to express apart from the f*cking thoughts that i haven't had the mood to study, and i really haven't been studying and i'm so f*cking screwed for those f*cking tests. which will result in no university in the right mind will accept me after i get my diploma, which will be another f*cking failure listed under my name in the family, and no one will trust me to do well anymore because i just f*cking disappoint everyone everytime.
and its not only f*cking academics. there's so much f*cking more inside me, but its so f*cking difficult to express that i cannot be bothered to tell anyone about it. not like everything is so similar to those times back. and its not my f*cking fault that im feeling this way if some f*cking people could be more considerate and all. arghs. sometimes i do wonder why i am so f*cking nice to some people when they don't deserve it. i just feel that i am a f*cking fake person. maybe i should be a mean person and stop showing concern, and being nice to those f*cking people, because i am damn tired of being nice.
am so f*cking irritated such that i havent been going anywhere except school for the past week. i dont even go to the lib to study coz the only person to suffer is sucker coz i will just f*cking blow up at him, not like he deserves it. damnit.

ok bye

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