Wednesday, October 29, 2008

if, and only if realities are as sweet as dreams are,
i wouldn wish for much
just someone, to listen.

thanks dear, sucker, loser

Monday, October 27, 2008

i'm buying this f21 bangle online! ((: if it doesn suit me, it'll become clara's sweet 16 birthday present :D
i told you, not being in the right mind makes a bigggg hole in my pocket. rawrs.

plus side, mummy's paying me to help lil brat with his studies. so i'll get 165bucks extra / month. which translates to more shopping and a good meal with dear every month >.<

the very fact that i haven't gotten over him is so very evident as soon as i saw the old folder of msges in the old phone.

Friday, October 24, 2008

the world doesn revolve around you and only you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

i take back what i said about wanting to stay in school for long periods of time.
home, is the best refuge.

only the 2nd week of school, and i'm ponning lectures & tutorials.
its raining freaking heavily now, and i just don't want to go to school to face the something, the-whatever-i'm-trying-to-evade-from. LOLS.

i shall make good use of time at home to sleep, eat, watch tv, onlineshopcomplete crs assignment, research on biophysics project.


lost, very

Saturday, October 18, 2008

school's really boring and irritating with lousy, stupid teachers.
every passing hour is just a prelude to the ultimate dismissal.
seems like there's going to be lots of self-study and less online-time from now on.

on a side note,
i cnt wait to go to ee's hse for swimming, K and dinner later (:
and dinner with NN co. tml.


Friday, October 17, 2008

for you and only you,



Thursday, October 16, 2008

thrust nothing, question everything - Mr Christopher Gill

confidence is key

Monday, October 13, 2008

being closed up gives pris a ferocious appetite.


on a side note: I freaking HATE PHYSICS.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

612 星球

满园玫瑰 我以爲 找到我那一朵
认真爱了 却狠狠 刺伤我的双手
玫瑰都红 难免看错

望着天空 爱是风 活在童话里头
小王子说 有些事 流浪过才会懂
找不到真爱 会一直寂寞

好让我 忍着痛 也愿意往下走
花别谢太快 请你等等我

擦干眼泪 一个人 漂流在这宇宙
小王子说 爱一定 开在某个角落
我会幸福吗 在什麽时候

好让我 忍着痛 也愿意往下走
花别谢太快 请你等等我

好让我 忍着痛 也愿意往下走
花别谢太快 请你等等我

yuen and eli got me hooked on this song. LOLS.

new blogskin. i like how the headings portray this certain message that i don't know how to explain. lols.
haven't been in the best of moods. from that to this, one whole bunch of crap seriously. why must everything come in the final few days of my holidays? not to mention the stupid visit to the doctor which saw me with a new batch of medicine lasting 3 months, and will cause weight gain. honestly, i should just die should i? i'm so fucking tired of popping pills already. i dont know, feeling damn bad since then. not to mention the absense of MOF dessert.

school's starting tml, and i cannot wait for it, honestly. it beats staying home and thinking about stupid things. although i'd miss the countless outings with dearest dear. sighs. but at least there's SMs in school, things will be better, won't they? idk. and i cnt wait to go back to duty. i miss doing duty.

and omg, i'm like alr thinking about my birthday and i want mummy and daddy to bring me to that 70++/person buffet at marina mandarin. we saw it on teevee the other day, and i was raving to mummy about the spread of sashimi available.
going out with dear brings out the foodie in me totally. i've got so many places i want to dine at. hehheh lols. until my rich prince comes to fulfill my wishes, i shall save up and go with dear (: and no nightmare, my prince will not become poor

talk about saving, i'm still waiting for my duty allowance man. where the hell issit? i need it to pay zhiyu and loser la. and also my shopping. shittass. i still feel like shopping my ass off, just a pity i dont have my atm card in my possession. or i think i'd spend like hundreds w/o knowing. and a sidenote, online shopping has made me lose interest in street shopping. lOLS.

what a random post.

the past, just letting it go

[UPDATE 06:58pm]

sometimes i really hate it at home. i don't understand why they cannot just control their smelly temper, why they must quarrel over small matters. it just spoils the mood ok. damnit.
now i so cnt wait for tml to come. so i can get my ass to school and not face them so often. i'm so determined to stay out late, doing whatever, or just close myself in my room and do my work. honestly, this sucks. big time

[UPDATE 12:31am]

i swear i'm going broke. i just ordered 3 tops from online, tgt with the girls. man. someone save me!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

its 11/10/2008 today.
18 years ago, a girl who would be my dear was born.
and so, today is her 18th birthday!




dear has been my dear for 4 years and counting! yay!

let me recap 18 why-i-love-my-dears
here goes.

1. dear brings her dear for good food
2. dear goes shopping with her dear
3. dear listens to her dear talk nonsense
4. dear is sososo patient when explaining things to her stupid dear
5. dear won't ps her dear
6. dear goes out late, so her dear can sleep longer too
7. dear is her dear's fashion consultant
8. dear is not afraid to express her love for her dear
10. dear has her darling but still loves her dear
11. dear comforts her dear when her dear is sad
12. dear has imba comforting skills
13. dear needs her dear to nag her to study
14. dear teaches her dear manymany ways to escape mummy
15. dear treats her dear as her confidante
16. dear makes her dear keep her room clean
17. dear makes fun of hayden with her dear
18. DEAR IS DEAR, and thats why her dear LOVES DEAR!!

yay!! :DDDD

after cracking my brains for 18 why-i-love-my-dears, now i must crack my brain for a/many present(s) for my now-legal dear!!

but before i go,


pris loves dear tonnes!!


, pris

Thursday, October 9, 2008

dear came to my house yest, and she complained that my room is messy! =x
being bored now, i shall go TIDY my room!! yay! :D


[UPDATE 1:20pm]

DONE WITH TIDYING MY ROOM!! haha. except inside my wardrobe. coz tidying inside would mean more clothes OUT, and no new clothes in, i must as well, leave it be, till i get more new clothes IN. LOLS.

super lazy to type, just look at before & after ok.

my study table


my bag table, i threw away like so many bags can, now i'm only left with 4 bags, i need new bags!


the top of my wardrobe, and dear, i will never give away my 1-eyed pikachu okay!


the 2 bags of rubbish i threw away, not including bags

look at my 'collection' of 8 days, going to get daddy to sell to karang guni, then the moolah will be mine!!

yayyay!! DEAR HAPPY WITH ME LE MA!? haha
dear should come to my house more often, then she'll complain, then i'll pack my stuff eh.

shall go take my well-deserved lunch!


[UPDATE 4:45pm]

mymy, i forgot to mention that i found $40 while i was cleaning my room!! 40bucks lehhs. i can like go another round of MOF-ing and shopping with dear lehhs!! hehheh. all 40bucks were found in those angpow i kept for dunno what reasons!! now i'm happy!! :DDDD

andand, i was trying the shorts i bought yesterday. its nicenicenice ok!! i love it lots!! pray that they will get the white one too! plsplspls? heh.
AND DEAR, the bf tee, tucked into the shorts is nicenice also!! heh! ilovedear!! (((:


[UPDATE 11:12pm]

YUCKS!! mummy doesn want to go to MOF tml. eeeee de lor. daddy wants to go the alexandra to collect his camera and buy my battery. i'm thinking of getting a new lappie next year, when all the new poly kiddos come in, then got alot of discounts!! hehheh.

i think i 觉悟 already. after looking at his PM for so many days now, i think, its really time for me to let go of everything. i really dont want to be burdened by all these. rawrs. its emo time again, and i really feel like SPENDING ALOT!! i mean it, like those kind just take monet out of my wallet w/o thinking kind.

i think i wont be seeing dear for a longlonglong time alr lor, yucks

MOF tml with parents! yayyay! thanks to dear's membership card!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008


i love dear lots. had a nicenice time with her.
bought black shorts and bf tee! its 2 things off my wishlist!!
want to get my vest and waist belt another time.

i don't like my ruined hair. why do hairdressers like to cut bangs and spoil my hair?! :(

DEAR is still da best! <3

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Until I Get Over You - Christina Milian

Woke up today thinking of you
Another night that I made my way through
So many dreams still left in my mind
But they can never come true
I press rewind and remember when
I close my eyes and I'm with you again
But in the end I can still feel the pain, every time I hear your name

The sun won't shine since you went away
Seems like the rain's falling every day
There's just one heart, where there once was two
But that's the way it's gotta be,
'til I get over you

[Verse 2]
Walked through the park, in the evening air
I heard a voice and I thought you were there
I run away but I just can't escape
Memories of you everywhere
They say that time will dry the tears
But true love burns for a thousand years
Give my tomorrows for one yesterday
Just to know that I could have you here

When will this river of tears stop fallin'
Where can I run so I won't feel alone
Can't walk away when the pain keeps callin'
I've just gotta take it from here on my own
But it's so hard to let go

[[ i've been listening to this song on repeat, its like everything going on repeat. the feelings' all back. there's nothing much that i can do to salvage the past 4 months, can i? somehow i wish things will be different and reversed, but i know its not very possible. all i can do now, is hope that i can get over it, just be friends, good friends ]]


i heart eyegang.

hello to dear tml!

Monday, October 6, 2008

oh man.
i'm damn jealous of the girls la.
they can choose the GEMs that they're interested in.
and poor me, has to go through current affairs! :((

nvm, i'm a happy girl lols.
going out with dear again tml!
prolly getting my hair trimmed and eyebrows threaded!
more money spent.
i wanna go bugis also la!!

plans changed.
going with with eyegang in the evening ba.
wed with dear
thrus with HN.
friday with mummy. i'm gging to pull mummy to MOF. hehhehheh

shall go watch tv!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

they claimed that they bent down for me! THANKS AH

Qi, Kim, Dear
i am fat face

good 2 days. filled with laughters, smiles and FOOD!
not forgetting a BIG hole in my wallet!

its because of you that i’m losing my mind. its because of you that i found the strength to carry on. its all because of you. that everything happens.

Friday, October 3, 2008


i'm craving for bubble tea and wasabi filet-o-fish from macs. heh.

[UPDATE @ 7:11pm]

yay! i finished sweeping the floor and mummy's buying back my macs for me!! weee :DDD

and while i wait for her, lets look at some items that i've set my eyes on online!

1. this pair of sandals!! nice lehhs, clara said its nice too. since the one i wanted didn have my size, i'm thinking of this pair, coz apparently i read that gojane stuff are not that trustable. MIC and all. heh. should i get it? they're gging to close the spree alr!! howhowhow!!?


i like the embroidery details!! i think its prettaye!!


i love the floral details lehhs. ((: but i'm supposed to stop buying dresses!!


this skirt is nicenice de!! if i'm not wrong, its from DP. exex de!

5.A4-friendly!! nicenice de. vintage-y feel! heee

6. this agnes b long wallet!! although its non-auth, but i think its lovely!! i've been wanting a long wallet for a long time lehhs!!

thats that so far!! heee.

i'll be spending the whole of next friday with mummy. WHY!?
my doc appt is messed up!! LOLS. my DI is like at 12.10pm, while my appt is like 7+pm!! you know how long that is!!! nvm, i'll pull mummy to bugis to shop!! hehhehheh!

i shall go be merry and wait for my dinner!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

byee purple specs

like finally! (:

went down with daddymmummy to collect it, took abt less than 30min to learn.
for once, i wish i didn have such long lashes, coz its so much more difficult to put it in la. =x

and mummy naggednaggednagged, that i should only wear it during lab. rawrs. which is like 2 days/week, maybe i'll wear it for duty too! :D and lab days start at 8 pls! means i have to wake up even earlier can!! ohman.

but nvm la, at least i got my contacts after like asking for it for say almost 3 years, since sec 3. heh


supposed to meet the squad at downtown to celebrate cy's b'day, but mummy's forbidding me to go out + i'll be gging out the rest of this week.

tml - NYAA
sat - meet up with SMs
sun - dear & kimkim

next wk - cut hair / eyebrow trimming with dear , meet / shop with Li Lin & eyegang

oh and i'm looking for cheap facials!? any recommendations?