Wednesday, December 31, 2008

END OF 2008!!

And on the last day of 2008, pris sang with her bestest K buddies, bought her waist belt, and


1st prac lesson - 16 Jan
BTT - 23 Jan



nothing to recap for 2008.
wasn really a pleasant year, with alot of conflicts, tears, lies, and many more.
but at least i still had the old friends to support me through.

really hope 2009 will be a muchmuchmuch better year.

Some aims for 2009:
2. GPA 3.7 & get into cardio tech
3. exercise more and lose xx kg
4. be nicer to everyone, trust more, stop being so easily irritated
5. save 8k

i shall go indulge myself in a quiet countdown with oranges. haha

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i was sososo tired yesterday that i stoned through the whole day, hugging the bigbig present SMs gave me. and i stoned through the 4b gathering.
continue to stone today.

no more stoning tml, coz imma going to register for driving, and go k with haoning, lilin and ambroseeeeeeee. hahah

i dont like you liar

Sunday, December 28, 2008

18! finally.


special thanks to the manymany who wished me happy birthday.
in no particular order
Dear, Keng guan, Azmi, Junxian, Peizhen, Jonk, Evon, Eli, Yuen, Bridget, Kenneth, Zhipeng, Shan, Candy, Fanny, Lynette, Zhaogen, Ambrose, Chuying, Yiting & Weiqi (thanks for the surprise phone call), Ken Khoon, Kim, Li Lin, Clara, Michelle, Sathish, Seow, WeiLing, Julaiha, Irene.
and xoxo((((((((((((:
and of course daddy, mummy, lil brat, ahma, yiyi, apple, jiujiu, shenshen((:


nownow, i think this year's birthday is the best in many years i can rmb.
this year, i got to celebrate with ahma on the 27th, ahma was super happy de la
today, i got to celebrate with dearest DEAR!!!

touched up my bsbm report in the morning.
then made daddy send me to bedok mrt to train to orchard to meet dear. shopped at OG & JL, then to Paragon for lunch-cum-dinner at Ding Tai Feng. then to Far East to do more shopping. Dessert break at SLICES for yummy ice. then to Wisma for more shopping.

Although my heels were killing me, i still had a WONDERLICIOUS TIME WITH DEAR!! ((((:

thank you prettypretty super wonderful DEAR!! and omg, i love the bracelet dear gave me!!

am still waiting for my buffet treat from mummy and daddy and i shall be really satisfied with my 18th birthday. quiet but satisfying.
and my silent wish came true!! (((((((((((((((((((((:


cannot wait for time to pass a lil faster.
so i can meet the 4b ppl for dinner tml.
so i can meet haoning for K on wed.
so i can meet twelve for outing on thrus.

well, hey,


and i love dear till i go spastic.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

just when i thought everything seemed bleak and was just about to give up,
your msg came to remind me of my existance in your life.
i'm still somebody.

THANK YOU!! (((: *hugs*


its 1 more day!
and it looks like my silent wish will come true pls?

Friday, December 26, 2008


i sound like a materialistic ungrateful bitch, but i dont care. i really dont need a furry photoframe, lacy pyjamas and pinkish unclassy minute jewellery box.
talk about disappointment

the only present that i'm super happy with is the money given by first aunt, which i used to buy the beeyoutifool kimono top.
and the present which should have came long ago, the hair straightener

gosh. what a bad x'mas this year.
happy boxing day ya.

dearrrr, can you plan my birthday outing for me, pretty please.
cause i'm still sadsad over the fact that there's nomore nicenice buffet for my 18 birthday. yucksyuckks. i'm celebrating with ahma. :((
badbad eoy

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

imma happyhappy girl yesterday and today ((((((:

met up with kimkim, xuanxuan, deardear for dinner at waruku!! yummyyummyyayyay!!

then shopping with dear at tampines today!! ((: bought a babydoll top from cotton on and a same kimono top as dear!! hahaha. dear loves shopping with pris la, coz i help her find clothes hohoho.
butbut i'm rather broke alr la. spent 50+ today alr.
butbut nvm, i'mma still going shopping with dear on sundayyy!! weeeee :DDDD

meeting sucker tml at the lib so he can teach me stupid excel. rawrs.


Monday, December 22, 2008

i am in need of desperate shopping because i just cleared 3 big bags of clothes from my old cupboard and i need more clothes to fill my new bigbig wardrobe.
but i am in need of desperate cash because i just busted 100bucks on my jeans but i still need prettypretty clothes for cny.
but my most precious dear is to the rescue and i'm going to shop with dear tml yay!! i love my dear and i should be spending my birthday with dear yay!! lousy mummy's gging to jb can

and hahaha, i switched off all those stupid notifications from stupid facebook, and tagged and all those shit. because i hate receiving mails that some idiot superpoked me or asking me to reply those stupid things. i have better things to do, like cursing those idiots. HAHAHA.


Friday, December 19, 2008



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my new earhole!! (((:
hehhehheh. i finally pierced it yesterday tgt with loveli and yuenny. fucking pain but, me like!! :DDDD dear don angry with me ok.

shall post the gazillion of photos taken yest at clark quay when i get it from loveli and yuenny. ((: love themm.

zoo with the class today was quite fun. the childish guys are super childish laa.

emoemo prispris sayyys byebye

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Monday, December 15, 2008

i am as stupid as a stupid dumbass toot dumbo.
to think that i can still think about what present to give you for x'mas
when everything is just dust under thicker layers of dust.

i hate my guts to still be able to harbour hope that things might take a turn for the better.
fuck it la.
all stupid nonsensical dreams.
go away. shooshooshoo

Thursday, December 11, 2008

the silly girl elieli got too much time to spare, but dont want to go out with me, so she did this for me. hahaha. saves me time from uploading manymany photos. lols

wa lao, i look damn spastic and short

and i think i damn haolian laaa.

pray this gets me a distinction. lols.


evon tagged me. and i'm so bored and not in report mood, so i decided to do it.

1 . Who's the person that tagged you :

2 . R/s between you & her:
current classmates

3 . Three impressions of her :
- loud
-like to suan ppl

4 . If they become your enemies :
i dunno

5 . What will you say to the person you like very much :
nothing. i shy de.

6 . Characteristics I like about myself :
i dunno.. perfectionist?

7 . Characteristics I hate about myself :
too perfectionist. keeping things to myself

8 . For the person who you hate , you say :
f you. go and die.

9 . What do people feel about you :
dao, emo, tempremental
10 . Your crush :

11 . Pass this to 10 people .
1. Shuhuan
2. Eli
3. Yuen
4. Li Lin
5. Kim
6. Zhiyu
7. chongxiang
8. hayden
9. zhaogen
10. ambrose

12 . If 5 & 7 were together ?
never possible.

13 . Who does 5 likes ?
i dunno lehhs. you ask her la

14 . What colour does 9 likes ?

15 . Say something about 8 ?
i miss xiao hey!

16 .Who is 2 ?
my silly girl. my loveli. my cheap thrill partner

17 . Talk about 3 ?
she can be as emo and crazy as me. my soon-to-be drinking partner.

18. Who is 10's best friend ?
MEMEME.. lols

19 . Who's the sexiest among all ten ?
me lehhs. haha. no la. all of them are damn sexy.

20 . What colour does 4 like ?
hmmms. pink/white/blue? i forgot

21 . Is 4 single ?
single but unavailable

22 . Your relationship with 1 ?

23 . Are 5 & 6 best friends ?
nah. they dont even know each other

24 . 9's surname ?

25 . 7's nickname ?
xiao didi, cx

26 . Say something to 3 ?

27 . Say something to help 9 ?
you dont need my help! lols

28 . Who do I admire ?

29 . Where does 1 lives ?
the very colourful building at paya lebar

30 10 of them know who you like ?

31 .Say something to 6 when you see her ?

32 . 10's spouse ?
ASK HIM!!!! haha.. his camp bed

i'm done. gging to slack before sending my shorts to the tailor and to NN's hse for dinner

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

我和你从未分手- 潘裕文

心是片土地 我是一个园丁
当花季远去 眼泪带我旅行
你好吗 我好想你
我和你从未分手 你住在我心中
我和你从未分手 你活在我爱中
才能扭转时空 重回感动
重回笑容 手牵手
空空的夜空 城市燃起灯火
蓝蓝的忧愁 搬进我的生活
我和你从未分手 你住在我心中
我和你从未分手 你活在我爱中
才能扭转时空 重回感动
重回笑容 手牵手
我没用 多没用
我和你从未分手 你住在我心中
我和你从未分手 你活在我爱中
才能扭转时空 重回感动
重回笑容 手牵手

i cried when i heard the song last night. arghs.

afterall, after so long of not thinking about it all, everything just came rushing back during the 3 days of work. w/o the everything that used to be present, it felt like everything became more bland than ever. in addition to the teasing from the 2 of them, there were times when i really felt like breaking down, but it never came. it sucked really big time i swear.

it started, but never ended. its like this never ending journey of guessing what we are both thinking. a maze where we never seem to find a common point to continue.

missing everything like fuck. come back to me, past.

the song's just a relation, it doesn mean literally

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

BYEBYE to the yucky mugging MSTs!!! =DDDDD

met up with loveli and jialing after papers. love them to bitsbits.
worked with mummy, elvin, alex at expo from sat to mon. stupid usuals revoked my feelings for xyz again man. rawrsss.
went to NHC just now for some lookabout and stuff. hollymama. i'm so going to want to choose cardiac option. i wanna learn moremoremore about the heart. im crazyyyyy.
KFC-ed & random shopping with my bro. blahs. hahaha.

on another hand,
my holiday schedule is not really up yet. haha
so far,

10/12 - biophysics report meeting, duty
12/12 - duty
13/12 - shopping with family
14/12 - shopping with clara
15/12 - movie with Li Lin
17/12 - Li Lin's bday, duty
18/12 - shopping with love
19/12 - PTN
20/12 - shopping at JB
21/12 - KBox with cousins
22/12 - CIP, waaruku with dear, kim, qi
24/12 - day dinner, duty
25/12 - X'MAS!!!
26/12 - makan outing
28/12 - MY BIRTHDAY!! ((:

actually its quite full le hor.. haha.

and hahaha, i've been bloghopping quite frequently these few days, and i've come up with my longlonglong wishlist alr. hahah.
lets see:

1. black/navy dress e.g

i really like this dress

2. This top from HERE

3. printed hoodies e.g

4. vests e.g

5. skirts e.g

6. black, white, electric blue MANGO racerback

7. pink NIKE bottle


9. square buckle belt, floral waist belt

10. watch

11. gemstone sandals

pictures from: hollyhoque.livejournal, robotninjas.livejournal, sweetvinyl.livejournal, hollysurprise.livejournal, sweetvinyl.livejournal, willove.livejournal

what a long post.